Chapter 4

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-Jacob's POV-

As soon as Mariska and I walked through the pub doors, Rooks swarmed me, asking how the mission went and if I was okay. Don't get me wrong, I love all my Rooks, but the way they suck up to me sometimes, it really makes me lose my bottle. I answered as blunt as I could, and went to find Mariska, who had kept walking on. She was sat at the back of the tavern, her feet on the table, flicking her blade in and out. I got two tankards of ale for us both, walked over to her, and placed them down on the table. Not to be rude, but she doesn't look like she can hold her drink like I can. Within a matter of seconds, she had picked up the tankard, bought it to her lips, downed it, and slammed it back down on the table. I couldn't even of done that. Shit.

"Something wrong Jacob?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. I realised I had been staring at her with a confused expression on my face, without even sitting down yet.

"No, of course not," I shook it off, trying not to be amazed. Of course, me being the daft git I am, tried doing what she did, which was downing the tankard of ale in one, but instead spluttering it out all over her

"What's the matter man, can't hold your drink?" Mariska smirked

"Is that a challenge, I hear?"

"Only if you want it to be," She smirked harder, and called over the bartender, and got him to bring over a few shots of whiskey

Some Rooks had noticed the sudden spark in whiskey, so a small group surrounded us, then turning into a chanting crowd. They had all came to see their boss drink this mysterious woman under the table. I do not aim to dissappoint. I nodded at her, giving her a signal for her to go first. She smirked at me, took a shot of whiskey like it was nothing, put it back down onto the table with a slam, and smiled. There was more to her than I had originally thought. 

-Mariska's POV-

After Jacob had taken the last shot, I felt next to nothing. Jacob on the other hand, obviously felt something. The crowd was cheering and laughing at how he had just gotten beaten by a woman. 

"You were cheating!" Jacob slurred, pointing at me

"No, you simply can't take drink like I can," I said, smirking

He stood up, but instantly fell to the floor. I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh. I stood there laughing until I realised that my boss' brother was led on the floor piss drunk, so I stepped forward and helped him up.

"You smell nice," Jacob giggled

"That's the drink talking, man," I said, slapping his shoulder, throwing him off balance again. I grabbed his elbow to steady him. He went to pick up the rest of his unfinished ale until I took it out of his midst and put it back on the table.

"That's enough for today I think, don't you?" I said

"But I haven't finished," Jacob pouted. I started walking out, thanking and paying the bartender on the way out. We stepped out of the door, Jacob's almost full weight leaning against me now, my hand still on his elbow. 

"en't that Jacob Frye?" A thick, cockney accent said

"Bein' escorted out the pub? By a woman?" Another laughed

"I believe so,"

"They wouldn't mind if we ruffed 'em up a bit, would they?" The other man finished

"Well, actually, lads, we wouldn't," Jacob slurred, turning around and running straight to the Blighters, ripping out of my grasp

"Christ sake Jacob," I muttered under my breath, ready to rescue him.

Jacob threw one punch, but it was too slow and sloppy, so the first Blighter stepped out of the way, leaving Jacob tumbling forward. He turned around, right into the fist of the other Blighter, leaving a massive bruise on his face. I ran into the fight, punching one right in the stomach, then giving him an uppercut to knock him out. I looked over to see the other gang member swinging his fist full force into Jacob's cheekbone. 

"This is goin' nowhere!" The remaining Blighter said, a dagger emerging out of his pocket

"Jacob! Watch out!" I said, jumping in between the dagger and the drunk git, leaving a giant gash on my shoulder

"Mariska you prick, why d'you do that?" Jacob slurred, still very drunk. I engaged my hidden blade, blocking most of the Blighter's attacks, some hitting me still. I had a sudden surge of strength, kicking him in the crotch, and stabbing my blade through his jawline, killing him. As his body fell to the ground to a bloody heap, Jacob ran off into the bushes and threw up. I waited a good three minutes before he emerged from the bush, paler than a milk bottle, wiping his mouth.

"Come on, let's get you home," I said, putting my hand on his elbow. Apparently that wasn't enough. He dismissed my hand and put his whole arm over my shoulder.


"Steady now," I said, putting my hand in front of his torso to stop him form falling

"What's that gonna do?" Jacob hissed, swatting my hand away. He had a point, to be quite honest

"Shut up, do you want Evie to hear you?" I whisper shouted, Jacob immediately ceasing his speech. He led the way to his carriage, his arm still around my shoulder. As soon as we got into his bedroom, he led down and started to fall asleep. I didn't trust him sleeping with all of his weapons still attached, so I started to take them off. He started to squirm, then went to hit me. His hand came into contact with my face with a very loud slap. I can only assume this was an accident. He's gonna get it in the morning, I promise you.

"Woah there love, we've only known eachother for a few hours, at least buy me a drink first," he sniggered

"I think you've had enough of those, I'm afraid," I laughed, still taking off his weapons

"Actually, I don't mind, carry on with what you're doin' love," He said, turning onto his back, his limbs outstretched so he looked like a star. He closed his eyes with a smug grin on his face.

"Discusting," I said, putting all of his weapons on the side. "Goodnight, Mr.Frye," I said while walking out

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