Chapter 5

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-Mariska's POV-

I was sat on one of the sofas reading a book Evie thrust in my face about a precursor object, when I heard some footsteps, a groan, and the sofa dip. As I look across to my right, I see Jacob sat there with his head in his hands. I reached over to the small table next to me and got a glass of water and a pill.

"Take this," I said, handing him the water and pill

"What is it?" Jacob questioned, turning his nose up at it

"It's a drunken remedy tablet I was given," I said, watching him take a gulp

"You were given it?!" Jacob spluttered out the water in his mouth, splashing on the floor, and all over him and me

"It's prefectly fine, I swear!" I said, putting my hands above my head. At that moment, Evie came through the door, eyeing the wet patch on the floor, her eyes slowly rising to our trousers. She shook it off, hoping it wasn't what she thought.

"I have a small errand I need to compete, I'd like you to come with me Mariska," She said, looking at the papers in her hands

"What kind of errand," I asked, bravely. I barely knew the twins, but Evie definitely scared the shit out of me most of the time

"Assassinate a Templar. Lucy Thorne, to be exact." Evie said, showing me a picture. Jacob slputtered again, though thankfully, no water ejected out of him.

"You think you're ready?" Jacob said, wide eyed

"Yes, why not. With Mariska's help, we'll surely succeed." Evie smiled

"Well, good luck with that," Jacob said, standing up, putting his hand on my shoulder, and walking back into his carriage

"Shall we be off, Miss Frye?" I asked, still pretty scared

"We shall," She said, leading the way


We were walking to our destination, the Tower of London, when Evie broke the silence

"What happened last night?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"You and my brother came in quite late, and quite loudly, may I add," Evie smiled. I was hoping she wouldn't ask

"After we killed the gang leader, Jacob suggested that we should go and cellebrate, and I thought it was a great way to get to know him a little better, but he wanted a challenge. Let's just say I drank him under the table infront of all of his Rooks," I said, bracing for the reprimanding from the older Frye. Instead, I got a fit of giggles, something I would've never suspected to errupt from Evie.

"Could never hold his drink, that one," Evie said, wiping her eye after settling down. "What do you think of my brother, Miss Mariska?" 

"In all fairness, Miss Frye, I've only known you both for a day," I began

"I won't tell," She encouraged

"To be brutally honest, I think he's a bit of a dick 'ed." I said, laughing a little. Evie started laughing again

"Mariska, you are a character!" She giggled

"Promise you won't tell him," I pleaded, not wanting a potential friendship to go to pot

"I won't,"


"You remember what I told you?" Evie asked me, us both still sat on the vantage point

"Kill a guard, get the uniform, pose as a guard, get you into the tower, kill the bitch," I said, reciting the plan

"Exactly, now go, no time to waste!" Evie shooed me

I jumped off of the point, and immediately spotted a potential guard. I snuck up behind him and knocked him out with my arm. I took off his clothes, and donned his apparel. I left my assassin gear in a notable bush, there's not way I'm leaving that here. I gave the signal to Evie, which was a small whistle. She came around the corner, and I grabbed her like a guard would've, but not hurting her. I lead the two of us up to the Tower. We walked through the various rooms and corridors, until we got to Lucy's room. As I took her into the room, she already started talking.

"Welcome Miss Frye. Do you care to tell me where the shroud is?" Evie didn't answer.

"As you wish. I shall find it without your help. And then I'll strangle you with it." She watched us with her beady eyes. "Watch her closely," She said to the guard on her right. She turns her back and starts reading a book on her desk, when Evie rips out of my grasp, knocking the guard out of the way, and heading for Lucy. Lucy swings a stick at Evie, who is ultimatly too fast for the Templar, and ducks. Thorne loses her balance, toppling to her knees, which was a great time for Evie to plunge her blade in Thorne's neck. Evie bends down, wipes her cloth over her bloody neck, and we make our escape



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