Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.

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"You heard what she screamed right? So she does have some sane in her but all she needs is rehab," he elaborated. 

I made an 'oh' sound and nodded. He gave a cocky smile. 

I glared at him. Giving him a dirty impression. Zayn just took my hand and escorted me back to my mom.  It seems to be that my real mother a beautiful disaster. 

My mom was lying on her bed that consists of a blanket and pillow. I realized that she had medicines on the table near her. I picked one up. They had long chemical names that I did not recognize despite the fact that I took chemistry and I have a bachelors degree in biochemistry. 

I sat on her bed near her head. Her eyes closed. I managed to bring my hand up on her knee and squeezed it. She glanced at me then at her knee then back at me. I cracked a smile. 

"Mom, I'm going to get you out of here. I am going to help you get through this," I explained to her. 

She stared at me hard and long. Her left eye started to twitch. 

"Why would you want to help me? I'm a prostitute," she told me. 

My eyes widen when she said that. 

"What? You aren't a prostitute, you are a mentally ill person and this isn't the right place for you to be in but most of all you are my mother!" I cried. Tears ran down my checks. My mom noticed those tears that rushed down my face. Her hand motioned to my face where the tears were and wiped them for me. I smiled through the pain. 


 I gulped. I looked at Zayn who was twiddling his thumbs. I glared at him. He grimaced. 

"Zayn," I loudly whispered, "get up and get my mother french vanilla!"


"Because, ugh... because I order you to do so!" I demanded. 

He sighed in dismay and shrugged as he lousy trailed down the hallway. 

"Mom, you are not a burden," I tried to convince her to get out of this crazy house and stay with me; where there is civilization, fresh air, people, and most of all a loving family. 

She fell silent all of a sudden. She crinkled her nose and got up on her two feet. My heart pounded thinking what her answer was going to be. 

"Why are you calling me mom, are you my daughter?" she questioned. 

"Yes, I am your daughter and I'm sorry that I haven't come all these years to see you or rescue you because I----"

Before I could finish my sentence she stopped me with her index finger on my lips. 

"Shhh.... you talk too much. I will go with you. I don't like to be here, they are after me," she responded.  

I looked at her puzzled. 

"Who is after you?" 

"Spirits. Bad ones. They want to take my soul and burn me in the burning fire which is called  hell," she elaborated. 

"Ok...." I answered. Zayn came back in the nick of time with the french vanilla and a bag of goodies with him. 

"Here you go, Sharmin," he says as he handed her the french vanilla. 

"For you, a plain everything bagel," he says as he turns to me and hands me the bag. 

"Oh, really? You shouldn't have." 

He smiles. 

"I should," he reponses and sits beside me. I lean towards his ear. 

"Sharmin agrees to leave. Just go with the flow, I have a plan. She says she'll leave because there are bad spirits," I whisper.  He nods. 

If my plan goes well then the once beautiful woman who became a beautiful disaster will then again become that beautiful woman who I imagined I would spend my time and care for. 

Hey guys! I'M SORRY THAT I'VE BEEN SLOW WITH UPDATES! reason being is that i'm working full time and it's been hard for me to cope with a lot of things so... yeah. I hope you guys forgive me rite? Anyways, how did you like this update? Plze tell me by leaving a comment plze. Plze vote and read, too :) Thanks so much guys!

Love you with all my hearts, guys! 

Luv~ the bad irresponsible author!

Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So We Meet Again?" Zayn Malik Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon