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I woke up the next morning to Zak cleaning up the room, the sun hit my face and I quickly his back under the blankets "Please shut the blinds?" I grunted, I had a massive headache and my throat was burning. Zak closed the blinds then sat next to me "We are leaving today, I packed half your stuff." I threw the blankets back and got up "Okay, I think I'm going to get a cab to the airport and go home" I started rushing around, Zak grabbed my waist and held my hands against his chest "You can't leave, not now?" Zak shook his head and held me tighter, "Zak let go. Why do you want me!?" I managed to get out of his hands and distance myself from him "Please stay. I'd like to see more of you." I couldn't help but smile, I took a step closer to him "You really wanna see more of me?" I tilted my head and held his face, I traced my fingers along his perfectly sculpted jaw line. "Of course" we came together and lock lips, he held me tight. We broke the kiss and he stood there fiddling with my hair "Maybe we should head down before I get carried away?" He bit his lip and guided me out of the room, before we got into the elevator I turned to Zak "So you going to fill me in about how we supposedly have met before?" I giggled and nudged him. "We really did" Zak looked back and winked at me.

The drive home was boring, I was asleep for most of it. I woke up in a coughing fit, my throat was burning and dry. "Zak it hurts." Zak got Billy to to detour and go to the local hospital, I could see Zak acting paranoid "Hurry Billy!" We got to the emergency and Zak cradled me and rushed me in, "Help she is struggling to breathe! Her throat is burning!" The nurses got me a bed and took me to a room, they have me oxygen and some fluid to soothe my throat. I had to stay there for at least 2hours. I heard Zak and Billy down the hallway talking "It freaks me out. This is how I lost her last time." I stood up and guided towards their voices "Hey guys?" The shot up at me, Zak look relieved "I'm so glad you're okay. We're going home now, okay?" Zak made the nurses discharge me and we left. "Are you sure it's safe to go?" It was too late Zak was dragging me across the car park "I hate hospitals!" He was angry, again shock. "Why? Because I've died in one?" He came to a stop, he turned to me "Yes okay. Come on get in?" We piled back in the car, Billy sat up front by himself and I was huddled between Aaron and Zak. I curled into Zak's nook. I felt his warm arms wrap around me.

I dozed out and we had arrived back at Zak's, I looked out the window and saw Ashley and Jay unpacking their car and Zak on the phone to someone. I got out and caught the end of his conversation "Yea. Honestly no idea how it started. We'll pay for the repairs. Thanks so much." He looked at me and smiled "Hello gorgeous" he gave me a kiss and guided me into his house. "Hey I can't stay, I've got to work out where I'm gonna stay and find work" I stood up and collected my things together, Aaron showed up "You can stay with me? I'm like only 5mins away you could still see Zak?" He winked and nudged me. "Well that's perfect!" I hugged Aaron and continuously thanked him. "Well that's means goodbye Zak, we'll talk soon?" I came up close to him and nuzzled my nose into his neck, "No goodbye Ray. Dinner tonight, I'll see you at 9pm" Zak headed up stairs and I went off with Aaron.

"Look I apologise in advance if my house is spooky" Aaron laughed while he led me inside, "You're right. Spooky but nothing bad" I took a look around, Aaron nudged me and guided me to my room. It was an ensuite, beautiful and big "Oh wow Aaron this is too much!" It was so nice to feel welcomed, "I like you Ray, not like Zak though haha you're a good person I just don't want him to hurt you" Aaron looked really serious, "Zak can be fun and great to be with them he gets dark and heavy. You two are so much alike I wonder if you'll kill each other or somehow collide and impact the paranormal world." I knew Aaron was right, I had to be smart here. "You know I think the same too, but I dunno going away and leaving him just feels wrong." I laid back on my bed and suddenly drifted to sleep. I felt Aaron stand up from the bed and head out. I had slept past 9 and quickly tossed myself out of bed only to find Zak laying down next to me "Omg wha--- how did you get in?" I was confuse but yet glad to see him. "Aaron texted me you where asleep so I came to sit with you." He patted the empty spot next to him and nestled in his arms. "You know you're safe with me?" I turned to Zak and looked him in the eye, "Really? You don't think we're too alike and could get sick of each other?" I was really curious to find out and it made me nervous not knowing what lies for me. "You worry too much. I like you. You like me, well I hope." He shrugged off a little laughed, I sat on him and re-assured him I liked him, very much.

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