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 Zak and myself arrived at the hotel before any of the guys got there. We stood in the elevator together and where touching shoulder to shoulder. I was resisting myself not to jump on him and intertwine my lips with his. The elevator doors shut, Zak gracefully slid to face me and pushed me up against the wall. He held my hands above my head, while he kissed and nibbled on my neck. I let out a moan "mm Zak" I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, he brought my face back to his and I went in to kiss him but the doors opened. I signed and Zak grunted "Bad timing. We should've been on a higher floor." He smirked then led me to our room, we walked hand in hand until we got in the room. Zak walked straight in and went to the bathroom, I stood there waiting to finish what we started. I could hear the shower running, I rolled my eyes and went to my bed and drifted into a light sleep. I heard Zak leave bathroom, I slightly squinted my eyes open and saw him only covered by a towel. My eyes opened, I sat up and walked over to him. He stood there dripping wet, he didn't move so I brushed my hand through his damp hair. I started to slowly kiss his cheek, then moved down to his jawline he let out a soft groan "I'm still wet." I looked into his beautiful eyes "A little water doesn't hurt" he smirked and dropped his towel, I tried to look but he pushed me hard back on the bed, he started to kiss  my neck and made his way down further. He got under my top and started sucking on my breast "Ugh.. Zak!" Someone had knocked on the door.

 Zak quickly ran inside the bathroom and put pants on, he opened the door to Aaron. "Hey wanna go get ice-cream? We are all heading out?" Zak nodded "We'll be down in 5, wait for us?" Zak closed the door "Come on, get dressed" He picked up my top and threw at me and then kissed me again "I didn't even get to see anything!" I threw myself back on the bed and moaned, it was unfair but Zak was right bad timing. I kneeled at the end of the bed and watched Zak get dressed, he turned to me "Aw maybe later" he winked "Instead of a look wanna feel?" He raised his eyebrow and smirked, I bit my lip and guided my hands down his pants and had a good feel, "Oh mm I can work with that" I started licking my lips and Zak starred into me and was edging further to me, "Okay lets go!" I happily hopped off the bed, Zak grabbed my hips and pulled me in close "You're a tease." He hugged me tight and held my hand. We got in the elevator and it was occupied with two other older ladies, Zak nodded and smiled. Zak stood behind me and started touching my butt, I giggled the two ladies where shaking their heads at one another. Zak then moved his hands around my waist and felt the lines of my underwear, I yelped, loudly. Zak giggled in the back, "Oh I'm sorry." I had to apologize to the ladies. We got to the lobby and stormed out, I pushed Zak and walked out laughing. We where greeted by the gang "What's with all the giggles?" Bill bumped me an winked, I just looked at Zak and blushed. "Oh we're having a bit of fun" Zak looked at me and held my hand. The guys widen their eyes and just followed, Ashley was smiling and held onto Jay. We didn't stay out too long our investigation was tomorrow so we all wanted a good night sleep. We arrived back at the hotel and went to our rooms. I ran to the bathroom and had a quick shower. 

 I came out in only a towel and saw Zak again on my bed, he moved he sheets "Get in" I got into bed and laid next to him. "You can take the towel off you know?" he helped me out of the towel. Zak dimmed the lights, making the whole room romantic but we could still visibly see each other. Zak gave me a soft smile; which I have loved since the first time he laid eyes and his smile was indescribable, he lifted my chin our noses where almost kissing. I could feel his warm breath brushing on top of my lips, I was falling into his lips. I gave one more glance up at him, to see his hard eyes turning soft. I closed my eyes and fell into the kiss. The kiss was hard yet soft, it was fiery yet passionate. Even though I've felt his lips before on my neck, they seemed different. It felt as if the whole world cheered for us, as if fireworks and explosions went off behind us. As if all eyes were on us. In that first kiss, I knew my heart was falling harder. He rolled on me and and lied comfortably in between my legs, I lifted my legs and wrapped them around me. I looked over Zak and saw Jerusha, I looked back over to Zak who was busy kissing my neck. He glanced "I wanna take this slow." Zak gave me a kiss on the forehead "Yea maybe slow, but stay in my bed for tonight?" I cuddled up in his little nook, "I'm going nowhere, I promise." We both fell asleep. 

 I got up at 4am, something woke me up I looked around the room and nothing so I headed to the toilet. I did my business and went back to bed, there she was Jerusha laying next to Zak humming and tune, she turned to me "He is falling in love with you. " I stood frozen, how can Zak not feel her touching him, "So what? What do you want?" I walked closer to the bed and she swiftly stood up "You win, you always where gonna win. Zak fell in love with you long before you both existed." She glanced at me and started to giggle, what was she on about? "What do you mean before we existed?" I looked at Zak and shook my head "Ray, read the book. Why would Zak be as close to you if he didn't already had been known to these feelings?" She vanished, I quickly got the book and started to read. 

 'I've met her a lifetime ago, I know she is out there. We are familiar, we share the same gift. I will cross oceans, travel through hell to find her. We will meet again my love, but in the right time. Love always Zachary Alexander Bagans.'  This couldn't be me, I look to Zak and went back to lay with him. He stirred and brought me into his arms he exhaled "Don't you remember?"

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