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 "What did you say?!" I got up in Zak's face only to see him still dead asleep, he snorted and rolled over. I had no idea what had happened, I went back to sleep. Zak got up early and headed to the shower, I rolled over and got up and went towards the bathroom "Big enough for two?" I bit my bottom lip and hoped he said yes, "About time you got up, come in" I quickly undressed and got in. I got close to Zak, both our wet bodies where touching one another, the water was running off his head and cascading down my face. Zak ran the soap up my arm, he slowly contoured the edges of my arm and the guided it down my chest. Zak lost grip of the soap, I grabbed his hand and held it against the soapy part of me "Wash me with this?" Zak smirked, he brought his lips to my neck and started to kiss me. I placed my hands on his neck and moved his face up with mine, "Kiss me, please." This wasn't a question, this was a demand. He let off a smirk and came closer to me, he caressed my face and licked his lips. The adrenaline was rushing all over me, I always felt safe and protected round Zak. Our hands inter-twined with one another, he traced my neck with his nose my head tilted back. He gave me one last glance and locked his lips on mine. He slowly guided his tongue through my mouth, I lifted my leg and wrap it around his bum, I could feel him getting stiff. 

 "Zak man! Where are you!?" Aaron bursted in our room searching for Zak, he was getting closer. Aaron came in the bathroom, "Dude! Get out, NOW!" Aaron knew he interrupted something and apologized, covered his eyes and ran  out, unfortunately for Aaron he ran straight into the door frame and cracked his nose. "Ouch! man!" Aaron crashed on the floor, Zak quickly got out, chucked on his trackies and helped Aaron. "Dude, stop. Let me look?!" Zak grabbed his towel and tried to clean up the blood. "You guys need help?" I came out wrapped in a towel, I crouched down to Aaron and cracked his nose back into place, he screamed the room down. "That should straighten it, and go back to normal" The bleeding stopped Aaron stood up "I'm sorry guys, the equipment is ready to go down to the lock down and Zak said he wanted to check it all." Zak still crouched down, he saw his diary under the bed. He stood tall and told Aaron he'd be down soon, Aaron soon left, Zak went to the door and locked it. He turned to me his gaze was burning me, I didn't know what was going on. "Are you okay?" I stood their puzzled, he reached for the diary and my head coward in shame "Why do you have this? Why would you take it and hide it?" He waited on my response, he kept shaking his head. I was too scared him the truth but there was no way I could lie to Zak, "I was guided to it." He chucked the book across the room and it smashed a vase, I jumped and screamed "Guided by what? Your sneaky hands!?" Now I was mad "Excuse me! For your information ever since I laid my eyes on you, your little possessive female spirit hasn't left me alone. She showed me and told me to read it. Jerusha brought me to you." Without thinking I blurted out her name, I quickly covered my mouth. "Jerusha wait what!?" He seemed freaked, he bowed his head into his hands, "Zak, we where destined to be, apparently. It is all confusing." I sat next to him, he shrugged me off and stood up "Zak, we've met before haven't we?" I stood next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder hoping he wouldn't throw it away. "We've got a lock down to do, go get dressed." Zak finished off getting dressed then stormed out.

 The drive to lock down was silent, no one was uttering a word. Zak distanced himself from the guys and couldn't even look at me. We got the equipment ready and began lock down. "Billy, Aaron and myself will go in and begin our investigation starting with night vision cameras and thermal. Jay and Ray will be monitoring nerve center and we'll get Ray to join soon." The guys went in, I wasn't getting a good vibe on Zak. Zak being angry and going into this demonic location wasn't a good mix. They where getting great evidence; orbs, evps and  visual evidence. Zak called Jay over the walkie-talkie "Send in Ray, tell her to go to the back room where the demonic entity was" Jay looked over at me "Umm, good-luck? Ha take a camera and be careful." I wasn't scared I just was scared being with Zak, I got into the room and was by myself while the other guys where coming to meet me. A massive banged came up in front of me and I fell to the ground in shock. I coughed and tried to see what was there, "I know you're there!" A black mass with red eyes ran up on me and left me a message "Be afraid of him" Zak ran through and help stand me up, he ignored me and brought out his SB11 spirit box "Who did that?! Answer me!" A loud hiss came through the box and the temperature seemed to have risen up high. Aaron ran in, "Dude there's smoke! Get out!" I noticed in the corner the fire place had begin to smoke up, I was intrigue so I went up and things started to get cloudy. "I can help you?" I struggled to talk and to stand, a female voice through "Leave.. Demon" There smoke got thicker and flames started to blaze. I collapsed, I couldn't see the guys, Aaron left and ran for it, I could hear Zak but not see him. In the far distance I heard the firemen on their way. Zak was in the door way still with the SB11 box on, "Save her you fool" a female voice came through and Zak didn't waste anytime and listened to that message, "Ray, I'm coming. Hold on!" Zak crawled, his fingers came across my neck and he managed to guide both hands and pull me into him. He carried me to the front yard and ambulance came and moved Zak out of the way, "She needs me!" Jay came and told Zak he needed them to help me. 

 I sat up gagging and coughing, I was fine but a bit shaken up. I reached for Zak and he came to me "Ssh you're fine. I'm sorry." He thanked he ambulance men and they left, the firemen where still getting the fire out. They didn't know what started the fire, they spoke to Jay and Billy and alerted them to contact the owners in the morning. We had to obviously cancel the rest of the lock down and all headed home. Zak carried me to bed and I stayed cuddled to him. I stirred all night and couldn't get much sleep, "I'm sorry I read your diary. It was wrong." I guided my hand to caress his face towards me "Jerusha told me to save you. You where right. We've met before, but we'll discuss that tomorrow." Zak kissed my forehead and patted me to sleep. Zak couldn't sleep, he went to pick up his diary and read it. He wrote a page about me, ripped the page out and threw the book away. "I'll be yours forever." He kissed my back and cuddled into me.

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