Chapter 30 - The Sex

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4 months later.


Nothing much has happened in the last 4 months, mostly just rehearsing and slowly getting a bigger stomach, but today I'm going to the doctor so I can find out the sex of my baby. Jai wants a girl but I honestly don't mind what we have. I would love another baby boy, but I also would like to have a little girl. As long as it has a heartbeat, I don't care what it is. Were still living in Florida, I'm not ready to go back to LA just yet and Jai's also fine with staying here. Beau and Alexis are living in Florida as well. They actually just bought a house a few weeks ago.

"You ready baby" Jai asked as he walked into our room. "Yep, let's go" I was very excited. I hope everything's okay and I'm so glad I didn't have a miscarriage. I still don't know who's baby it is yet but I don't really want to find out either. If it's Justin's I will hate myself, I'd rather not know and just swear that it's Jai's. "Are you alright baby you seem nervous" Jai gave my hand a slight squeeze. "Yeah, I'm just excited to find out if it's a girl or a boy" I put on a fake smile. I mean I was happy but at the same time sad. I regret every second if that night and it's been eating me alive ever since it happened. I just can't hold it in, I have to tell someone. Just not Jai. "Okay good, I thought something was wrong" he let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder. We sat in the waiting room and waited about 15 minutes for the nurse to call my name. I walked in and laid in the bed like I do every month, only this time I was finding out the sex of my baby. She squeezed the gel on my stomach and rubbed it in with the stick thing. I don't know what it's called. Anyway after a couple of minutes, she was done and was about to tell us. "Okay Mr and Mrs Brooks congratulations, your having a baby boy" she smiled and both Jai and I started crying happy tears. I wiped the gel off with the towel the nurse gave me. "I love you so much little man" Jai said as he rubbed my stomach. This moment was perfect, just like I hoped.

As son as we got home, I called Alexis so I could tell her the news. I also wanted to tell her about Justin and I because I never actually told her.

Lexi - hey girl what's up

Me - hey I went to the doctor today and found out the sex of the baby

Lexi - oh my god really what are you having

Me - another baby boy

Lexi - yassssssssss I'm so happy

Me - me too, it would have been nice to have a girl since we already have to crazy boys running around but I love boys and I'm really happy

Lexi - yeah a girl would have been good but oh well, there's always next time

Me - next time?

Lexi - yeah if you get pregnant again or if I get pregnant again, I want a little girl

Me - oh yeah, you should try for one

Lexi - Beau and I have been trying for a couple of months but I'm not pregnant and I'm really annoyed

Me - don't worry it will happen, you just have to give it time

Lexi - yeah your right

Me - oh and would you mind coming over whenever your free, I have to talk to you

Lexi - I could come now

Me - oh good, Jai's taking Noah to the beach out the back so that will keep them occupied

Lexi - is everything okay

Me - umm I don't know I'll tell you everything when you get here

Lexi - alright bye babe

Me - bye

She arrived a few minutes later since she only live a couple streets away. I was nervous to tell her but I just can't keep it inside any longer I need to tell someone. I opened the door and gave her a quick hug before letting her inside. We sat on the couch and I twiddled my thumbs nervously. "So tell me what's wrong" Lexi started. "Well, the night that my album released, I kinda saw Justin" I gulped and she nodded allowing me to continue. "And we started talking, I told him that we could try being friends again, so we sat down and had some drinks, I hat A LOT to drink, like I've never had so much alcohol in my life" I wiped my sweaty hands on my shorts before continuing. "And I didn't really remember much from that night, but I was sober enough to remember what I had done wrong" I felt tears trickle down my face. Alexis put her hand on my leg and gave me an understanding look. She knew I had sex with justin without me even telling her. But she didn't get mad which is what I love about her. "So, is he the father" she asked. "I don't know, and what's worse is.... I had sex with Jai the same night" I was crying and she pulled me in for a comforting hug. "It's okay, everything's gonna be fine" she said and rubbed my back. "So he doesn't know does he" she asked. I gave her a look to say obviously. "If he knew, he would never want to see me again" I wiped my tears but more fell each second. "Am I the only one" she questioned. I nodded my head. "I think I'm just gonna go lay down, thanks so much for coming, I needed to let it out" I said. "Of course what are best friends for" she gave me a quick hug then left me to go sleep in peace.

Books almost done yay, 7 more chapters than the epilogue. Love you guys and thanks so much for reading. I've fallen in love with this book and I'm not quite sure if I want to end it yet. 💜💜💜

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