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"Christina" I said in shock. "Hi Ariana" she said shyly. "I haven't seen you in months" I replied. "Yeah I know, and I've really missed being your friend Ari, I really have" she started getting watery eyes. "Yeah I know me too" I said. "I understand why you hate me though, I did something awful, something unforgivable and I really am truly sorry Ariana, I want to be the best friend again" she said crying. "I know you are, I just don't know if I can forgive you" I replied. "I miss you so much and I would love for you to forgive me, but if you don't want to i understand. I've changed and I want things to work out" she said walking away. "Wait Christina" I pulled her back. "I forgive you" I said wiping her tears. She had a huge smile on her face and hugged me so tight, "oh my god thank you Ariana, I promise I will be such a great friend from now on" she smiled. I heard her mutter something along the lines of. "And so it begins" she's acting weird.

"Mum" I said running up to her. "Yes, what is it" she asked. "I just saw Christina, she wanted to be friends again" I explained. "What did you say" she asked. "I forgave her" I replied. "Oh that's good. You get to be friends again, I could tell you missed her" she smiled at me. " I did, but something seemed different about her" I said. "Like" she asked. "Well she was really eager and she's not that type of person" I explained. "She probably missed you sweetie" I thought for a second, and she was probably right. "I guess"

When we got back home I walked upstairs to my room, I was thinking about Christina, something's up with her, I know her better than anyone and she was not being herself. And what was with the 'and so it begins' I swear she had an evil tone in her voice. Maybe I'm just exaggerating. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. It was Jai "hey babe what's up, you seem a little upset" he said sitting next to me. "It's about Christina" I answered. "What, you haven't seen Christina in months" he said. "I saw her today at the water park, she didn't seem herself and it's actually freaking me out" I explained. "I'm sure it's nothing, you haven't seen her in a while and maybe she was just nervous to see you" he said pulling me into a hug. "I guess" I said resting my head on his shoulder. "So are you friends again" he asked. "Yeah, I forgave her" I answered. "Good, you have to spend time with her and catch up" he said. "I know" I heard Noah crying from his room. "I'll get him" I said. I went into his room and saw Alexis holding him. "Sorry, I thought you were sleeping so I thought I should get him" she said. "Thanks" I smiled. "Do you want to take him" she asked. "Yes please" I took him and smiled down at my beautiful baby boy. "I love you so much Noah" I said and kissed his forehead. "Do you want some lunch, I'll make you a sandwich or something" she offered. "No thanks, I'm not really in the mood for food" I replied. "It's about Christina isn't it" she asked. "Yeah" I looked at Noah. "I talked to her, she didn't seem like she wanted anything to do with me though" she said. "What do you mean" I asked. "Well I said hello and I was being friendly to her but she gave me attitude and she was acting really bitchy, not her normal self" she explained. "That explains why I though she was acting different, she was being so polite to me, she's up to something" I replied. "But what" I asked. "We will just have find out" she said.


"Hey boss, I went to the water park and were 'friends' again" I said. "Good girl, just make sure to keep her close and regain her trust okay" he said. "I'll try, I hate that bitch. I liked Jai first and I told her that I had a crush on him when we were back in Australia, but no she turned against me and took him for her self" I said and angrily crossed my arms. "Calm down Christina, you can have him when we're done with our little plan okay" he said. "I guess but it better be done soon, I can't wait any longer, I love him" I answered and walked away.

I will always love you - (Book 2) COMPLETED!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon