Chapter 28 - Setlist

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So today is the day I start rehearsals for my tour. I'm so excited, and I'm glad they didn't make me go back to LA to rehears. "Brian, Scott" I yelled and ran over to hug them. "Hey Ari you excited" Scott asked. "Yes oh my god this is going to be amazing" I squealed. "Okay Ariana we have to make the setlist" Jones said. We sat down and went through all of my songs but we couldn't use them all. "So obviously I wanna use all the songs from my new album" I started. "Do you want 'You Don't Know Me' and 'Only 1'" he asked. "Um we can wait until we have the songs I really wanna do and if there is any songs that we can add I will probably add them" I explained. "Okay so songs from Yours Truly" Jones asked. "Umm obviously I want 'The Way', 'Right There', 'Honeymoon Avenue' and 'Tattooed Heart' since they're my favourites, I was also thinking of doing one of my older songs as we'll" I said. "Alright is there one that you've been thinking of" he asked. "We'll I was gonna choose 'Put Your Hearts Up, Pink Champagne, Voodoo Love and Higher, then ask my fans which one I should do" I suggested and he loved that idea. I quickly went on Twitter and posted it. "Okay, so I was thinking of doing All My Love as well because it's unexpected and I know the fans love the song" I said. "Okay so is there any particular order you want the songs to be in" he asked. "We'll I want to start with Bang Bang" I said. "Do you wanna do like a countdown" he asked. "Yeah I wanna do a countdown really bad" I giggled. "I want it to just be simple you know, the whole concert. I want good music, good choreo and I wanna have a great time and just make sure the fans have the best night of their lives, and I believe it should start with a countdown" I explained. "That's perfect" he smiled. "And maybe another dance type song next, like Break Free or Hands On Me" I said. "We'll Break Free should be at the end some where and problems gotta be last, so why don't we put Hands On Me next" he suggested. "Yeah that's perfect" I replied. "And I think I should leave the stage after that song and come back out on a thing that floats me above the crowd" I smiled excitedly. "Alright but what song and what are you gonna float on" he asked. "Umm I think it should be one of the calmer songs, maybe Best Mistake" I said. "And I wanna float on a cloud" I smiled. "Alright a cloud it is, what song next" I thought about putting Be My Baby on but then Break Your Heart Right Back came to mind. "Break Your Heart Right Back then Be My Baby" I said. "Then I should leave the stage and wear a different costume. I wanna do the Gatsby theme and have the songs from yours truly and have the older vibe, so maybe I can come out in a chandelier and start singing Right There, then go to The Way and then have the fan chosen song and finish it off with Tattooed Heart" I explained. "Wow have you been thinking about all this" jones asked. "Yeah I've been thinking about it for a while" I blushed. "Anyway I also wanna do a tribute to my Grandfather and like sit on a piano on have Troy play for me while I sing My Everything and Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart" I said. "But I want to have something before that, I mean remember when I got in touch with Imogen about the Mimu Gloves, I wanna put that in their and use them with Why Try" I explained. He wrote it down. "But I wanna do One last time after Tattooed Heart when I come back on stage and use the music video for the start of the song, and do why try after that then do My Everything with the piano" I feel like I'm going to fast for him but I've pretty much thought about all this already. "And after that I'll come out with Love Me Harder and maybe do All My Love after that" I said. "Then we'll have honeymoon avenue aye" he suggested and I agreed. "Then Break Free then Problem" I added. "And there you go, the setlist is done" I smiled.

I got back home at like 9:30pm and I was so tired. I found Jai on the couch. "Hey baby I'm home" I sat next to him and snuggled into his chest. "Finally, I missed you" he gave me a kiss. "I missed you too, what did you do today" I asked. "Well me and the boys shot another video" he said. "Where are the boys" I asked. "Luke and James are outside and the other two went to bed" he yawned. "Oh" I mumbled. "Anyway how was rehearsals" he asked. "Okay I guess" I shrugged. "I'm glad your back" he smiled. "Oh and Jai I have something really important to tell you" I got a little nervous. "What is it" he asked. I took a deep breath. "Jai, I'm pregnant"

This chapter is a little boring and I'm sorry if you didn't like it, but I promise the next chapters will be better. Also, not too many chapters to go. I love you guys, thanks for reading and new update tomorrow 💜💜💜

Please read my story with hungryforjai on our account Thejanoskiansgirls thanks so much. It's called Internet Friends, it's a Jai brooks Fanfiction. Also 'Make a Wish' on Jariana4evs 💜💜💜

I will always love you - (Book 2) COMPLETED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum