Chapter VII

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The last time Harley saw Marcus was a few days before she left for San Diego for the wedding. Technically she wasn't avoiding him, because he had been away on business trip, then a small vacation with his family. But she was glad that she didn't have to face him immediately after the incident with Blake. Although she knew she wasn't going to tell him, it was still hard. Plus her body was covered in Blake's love marks.

"So how was the wedding thing?" Marcus asked as he sat down on her couch. He lifted his feet, with his shoes still on, and placed them on top of the table.

"It was nice...Get your feet off my table." She replied with annoyance laced in her voice.

"It's not even a real table. You just put some glass on top of a big ottoman."

"Marcus just...please. Come on now." Harley's annoyance level increased.

Marcus let out a long exaggerated sigh as he removed his feet from the table and placed them on the floor. Harley rolled her eyes.

"So who was this wedding for again?" Marcus asked.

"For my friends Neil and Cynthia. It was really nice. I like the color scheme and her dress was gorgeous." She gawked as she reminisced.

"Get any ideas for our wedding?"

"Umm...a few. It reaffirmed my want to get married during the summer and in Cali. LA specifically."

"Ha. We are NOT getting married in California." Marcus said while scrolling on his phone.

"Why not?" Harley asked with a frown.

"Because we're getting married here. You know my mom is not getting on plane to California." He said still looking at his phone.

Harley rolled her eyes at the mention of Marcus' mother, Chandra.

"She just got on a plane to go to Europe with you. Why can't she get on one to go to Cali for her own son's wedding?"

"You know why." Marcus answered easily.

It was no secret that Harley and Chandra did not get along. In fact, you could say that Chandra hated Harley. Since the moment Marcus introduced his then girlfriend to his mother, Chandra gave Harley nothing but attitude. Harley wasn't sure why. But being the bigger person her parents raised her to be, Harley was nice and respectful. She invited Chandra to one on one lunches, hosted dinners at her apartment not only for the couple and Chandra, but even went as far as inviting his two older brothers along with their wives and four badass children.

By the end of that night Harley vowed to never invite them to her place again. The living room was trashed, the kids got into all sorts of things they shouldn't have. According to Chandra, "it's just what children do." And when Harley tried to tell the kids not to touch something, she was the one who got reprimanded. And while Chandra was ripping Harley a new you know what, Marcus was sitting their acting as if nothing was happening.

"No Marcus. I don't know why. Please enlighten me." Harley angrily replied.

She was starting to get fed up with his mother's attitude. If the two were going to get married, Marcus needed to put his foot down to his mother and stand up for Harley. There's only so much disrespect one person can take before they snap. Now Harley isn't usually a violent person and was raised to have respect for her elders, but if Chandra caught her on the wrong day, Harley would not hesitate going all Mike Tyson on her ass.

"Calm down." Marcus said with a bewildered look on his face. "It's not that serious."

"Whatever Marcus." Harley said with a huff.

Unfortunately, that was how most of their arguments about his mother went. Harley would always back down because she knew that whatever she said to Marcus would go in through one ear and out of the other. And what he did retain, would eventually get back to his mom. Then the next time they saw each other, Chandra would have a few choice words for Harley.

"Come here." Marcus said after a few minutes of silence. The tension in the room was thick and he didn't show up at Harley's apartment to have and argument with her about his mother.

"No." Harley replied as she tried to refocus on her notes.

Marcus scooted over on the couch so that he was sitting right next to her. He reached over and pulled her papers out of her hand and placed them on the table. Harley looked over at him with an annoyed look.

Marcus pulled Harley's body to him until she was straddling his lap facing him.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't come here to fight with you." Marcus started. "If you really want to have the wedding in LA. I'll talk to my mom about it and see what I can do."

His statement earned another eye roll from Harley.

"Okay?" He said firmly.

"Okay" she mumbled.

Marcus leaned in and gave Harley a peck on her lips. That peck turned into a full on make out session. Marcus stood Harley up before standing up also. He grabbed her hand and led to the bedroom at the back of the condo. Marcus forcefully laid Harley down on her bed and hovered over her. Their clothing quickly found the floor during the heated make out session. Marcus wasted no time putting his rock hard member inside of Harley. Without giving her time to adjust, he began pumping in and out of her hard and fast. Harley's nails dug into his back as she screamed out in pleasure.

Marcus' panting mixed with Harley's screams signaling that he was about to cum. Harley was on her last leg as well. Her nails dug deeper into his skin as she reached her peak. As the waves continued to hit her she let out a loud yelp. As Marcus got closer to his peak his thrusts got harder.

"Ahh shiiiitttt!!!" He yelled as he released inside of Harley.

Marcus laid on top of her for a minute trying to catch his breath. Harley lazily, with her last bit of strength tried to push him off of her. Now Marcus was nowhere near as big and muscular as Blake, but he was still heavy compared to Harley; so him laying on her crushed her a bit.

Once he finally rolled off of Harley, she was able to better catch her breath. The couple laid in silence for roughly three minutes before a loud ding filled the room. Marcus got up and walked over to his pants that were scattered on the floor along with the rest of their clothing. After typing away for a minute, with a smirk on his face, Marcus began putting his clothes back on.

"What are you doing?" Harley asked as she propped herself up with her forearms on either side of her.

"I gotta go." Marcus shortly answered as he pulled his shirt over his head while his phone dinged again signaling another text message.


"Because I have some business to take over." He answered as he sat on the bed and pulled his shoes on his feet.

"But you just got here. I haven't seen you in forever" Harley replied sadly.

"Yeah. And now I have business to take care of."

"Fine. Whatever Marcus." Harley said as she laid her head back down on her pillow.

Marcus sucked his teeth, "Don't give me that bullshit alright."

"I said fine. Just go." Harley said while waving her hand signaling him to leave.

"Man stop acting like a bitch"

"Oh I'm acting like a bitch because I want to spend time with my fiancé whom I have not seen in two weeks. Fine then I'll take that."

"Man whatever. I aint got time for this." He said as he left her room. A few seconds later there was a loud slam of a door as he exited the condo.

"Ughhhhh" Harley screamed while kicking her legs and slamming her arms down on the bed.

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