Chapter IV

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Note: This is the first chapter that is a flashback. All flashbacks will be in italics. Enjoy.


Birthday celebrations for majority of females are always a big deal. Well at least the younger ones. Females in their twenties love to celebrate their birthdays in over the top and expensive fashion. An extravagant party, fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant with friends, a weekend trip to Vegas, a trip to a foreign country. You name it, they want to do it.

Fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant. That was Blake's current situation. The girlfriend of one of his teammates was celebrating her twenty-second birthday. She planned a weekend full of events. That's better than some girls. Others like to use the entire month. Friday, a dinner at one of the top restaurant in Los Angeles then they would move to an exclusive nightclub; Saturday, she would spend the day shopping with a few friends, then another nightclub; Sunday, a cookout at her boyfriends new house.

Blake's teammate, Nick Young, practically begged Blake and another teammate DJ to come to the dinner, so that he wouldn't be the only guy there. Nick wasn't very familiar with his new girlfriend's,Breanna, friends. And she invited a lot of them. So he definitely needed some help.

Blake was having an okay time. The food was good and at least he had DJ to talk to and laugh with. But Bre's friends were annoying. There's no nice way to put it. He could tell they were the typical golddigging, wanna be "model" girls. You know, the kind that have their contact information in their Instagram bio. They've been trying to flirt with Blake and DJ the entire time. And they've only been there for about 30 minutes. Blake didn't see himself taking any of them home later. He was hoping he would have a better selection at the club later.

There was one in particular, a long haired brunette with overly tan skin, and fake full lips to match her big fake boobs. She was trying to her hardest to get Blake's attention. She was sitting directly across from him at the long rectangular table. She would obnoxiously laugh at his jokes, even the statements that weren't jokes. She even tried to make some on her own. They weren't funny. And Blake could have sworn he had seen her before. It wasn't until DJ told Blake that he has seen her at quite a few clubs the two have attended in the past. She was usually in some scantily clad outfit and in some ballers face.

'Just as I expected.' Blake thought to himself. 'A regular groupie.'

As Blake took a bite into one of the appetizers that was available for the table, he noticed two females walking towards them. Both dressed in short body hugging dresses, one in blue and the other in white, and really high heels. The first thing he noticed was the long natural curly hair on the girl in white. The tight ringlets stopped just below her shoulder and were big and wild but tame. If that makes sense. The next thing his eyes went to were her exposed legs. One of his favorite features on women. They were amazing. Long with thick, shapely thighs. You could tell she never skipped leg day when she worked out. Blake smirked as a dirty thought ran through his mind. He wouldn't mind having them wrapped around him tonight.

Bre was sitting at the head of the table with her back facing the entrance, making it unable for her to see the late arriving guests. One of them took advantage of the situation.

"Surprise!" The girl in white said as she walked up directly behind the birthday girl and heavily placed one hand on each of Bre's shoulders.

Bre's eyes got big as she was interrupted mid sentence, before she swiftly turned around in her chair. She let out of high pitch squeal when she realized who it was. She jumped out of her chair and immediately pulled the two well dressed ladies into a tight hug. The two wished her a happy birthday and laughed when Bre didn't let go of them. The girl in white handed her a medium sized black present bag with 'Your Fucking Birthday Gift' written on it in large white letters.

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