Chapter III

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"Girl. No you didn't?!" Noel gasped when his best friend finished her story.

"I did." Harley confirmed with a sigh.

It's been a week since Neil and Cynthia's wedding. Harley landed in New York City the next afternoon, with her emotions all over the place. After that night with Blake she didn't know what to do. When she woke up at seven in the morning, looked over and saw the naked man she used to call her boyfriend laying next to her, she freaked out. No, she wasn't drunk when they had sex. She knew exactly what she was doing. It was the fact that she actually did it.

Now here she was. Sitting at a table in the corner of a cute and surprisingly quiet restaurant in SoHo, eating a late lunch and spilling her tea to her best friend. Harley was just glad that this place served wine cause she definitely needed to drink while telling this mess of a story.

"Damn. Did you know he was going to be there?" The man asked.

"Of course I knew. He and Neil have been friends since high school. If Blake wasn't there I would've been shocked." She explained.

"Well...was he good?" Noel asked with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

Harley let out a laugh. "Better than I remember. He was amazing." She said as she blushed.

Harley couldn't remember the last time she experienced a feeling like that. Well...yes she could. The last time she had sex with Blake two years ago. Blake has always been talented in the bedroom. Shit. With a memeber his size, he better be.

"Oooooooo girl. You better." Noel exclaimed as he lifted his hand to give his friend a congratulatory high five.

"OMG! Stop!" Harley said as she swatted her friends hand down with an embarrassed look on her face. She could feel the stares from a few of the other customers in the restaurant.

"Girlfriend don't be embarrassed. If I were you, I would be shouting to the world. You are one lucky bitch." Noel explained. "Having sex with a sex God. Best believe, if you weren't my girl I would try to get that. Mmmmm....yes."

"Yeah well, I don't think you're his type." Harley said with a smirk and wink thrown his way.

"Oh honey, please. I'm everyone's type. I'm Noel." He said as he flipped his imaginary hair.

"Hahaha. What the hell am I going to do with you?" Harley asked rhetorically.

"Other than the amazing sex, how was it seeing him?" Noel asked, emphasizing 'amazing'. "It's been what....two years?"

Harley met Noel a month after she moved to New York. Even though her life was still in shambles, a friend of hers from college that lived here convinced her to go out. Harley was standing at the bar ordering a drink when the tall, flamboyant Dominican man walked up to her. He said he spotted her from across the room and just HAD to compliment Harley on her shoe selection. They've been friends ever since. Quickly becoming "besties", as Noel loved to call them, over the next few months.

"It was...weird." Harley started. "I've done my best to avoid him this entire time. I haven't gone to any of his games here in New York. I've hardly watched them on TV. I haven't accepted his calls, texts, emails, nothing. I blocked him from all social media, didn't look him up on the Internet, hardly saw a picture of him unless I was in LA." Harley paused. "I completely cut him out of my life. And to just see him after two years of no was weird. I didn't feel the animosity and the hurt that I did in the beginning. I felt comfortable. I felt happy and warm inside. It reminded me of when I fell in love with him."

"Damn." Noel didn't know what to say. What could he say.

Noel was well informed on Harley's relationship with Blake. Harley felt it easy to confide in him over the time that they spent together. Noel knew everything. From the time Blake and Harley met to the day she up and left Los Angeles. When she arrived in New York, Harley was an emotional wreck. And once she felt she could trust Noel, Harley let all of her emotions out. She owes Noel so much for helping her get through her first few months in New York.

"What are you gonna tell Marcus?" Noel asked after a few moments of silence.

"Nothing. He doesn't even know about Blake. This shouldn't be the first thing he hears about him." Harley answered. "I know it's wrong and I'm contradicting myself but I can't do that. It's not like I'm going to see Blake again anyway."

"I guess. Your secret is safe with me darling." Noel says as he raises his wine glass to toast as a sign of loyalty to his best friend. Not that he really needed to. Noel cannot stand Marcus. So he damn sure wasn't about to be kiki-ing it up him.

"So tell me about the sex again."

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