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I just wanted to come on here and give you all an update. I still haven't found my flash drive. Sad face. So I'm starting to come to terms that I won't find it. But like I said I don't want to stop this story because I did enjoy writing it. 

I do have a few chapters that I posted on another website that I will post on here. They will be a bit spread out so I can have the opportunity to work everything out and try to remember parts that I wrote that weren't published. The main thing I have to work out is the timeline. I spent a lot of time figuring out a timeline of events so that the story would seem more realistic. 

So please just work with me and I promise I'll get this story back on track. I'll probably post the next chapter sometime this weekend. Again thank you for your patience and all of your kind words. 

While your waiting for this story check out my oneshots. I have a few ideas that I've been working on. So I'll probably post those more frequently until I get a few chapters for this written. 

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