Chapter II

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"...Neil I'll give you some advice, even though getting advice from the uhh...single, never been married best man isn't the brightest thing to do," the wedding guest laugh, "but anyways...just make you sure you take care of her...cherish her, love her unconditionally...." I lock eyes with the curly haired, grey eyed beauty, "....and never let her go. Because that'll be the biggest mistake you'll ever make." I break my eye contact with Harley and focus back on Neil. "And when times get tough just remember those 3 little words that are the key to a long and happy marriage... 'You're right love'!" more laughs erupted.

"On a serious note...ladies and gentlemen, will you please join me now in toasting two young people who have everything, because *looks at Neil and Cynthia* they love each other. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Montgomery."


"Nice job." Harley praised with a small smile when I walked over to her.

"Thanks." I replied with a grin.

"If only your post game was as good as your speeches." She joked with a sly smirk.

"Ouch." I exaggerated placing my hand on my chest. "You can't be throwing daggers like that yet Harley. I wasn't ready."

Harley let out a laugh and gently slapped my chest. "Shut up Blake." I smiled at her.

Another awkward silence fell between us. We've been inseparable since we started talking at the bar. I'm surprised she's even talking to me. Given the circumstances of our relationship. But I was happy nonetheless. It was felt good being in her presences again.

I couldn't help but stare at her. The face I've been missing for two years. The woman I've been trying to contact for two years with no success, was standing right in front of me.

"I've missed you Harley."

She didn't answer any of my countless calls or text messages. I'm sure she didn't listen to long ass voicemails either. After a while she ended up changing her number. I tried convincing everyone I thought would have it to give it to me. But they wouldn't. I even tried to get her new address so that when I went to play in New York I could see her. I couldn't get that information either. I even tried looking her up myself. Nothing.

"I've missed you too Blake."

Out of habit, I placed my hand softly on her waist. Harley looked down at my hand then flicked her eyes back up to mine. We gazed at each other as I stepped closer to her. I knew I was taking a risk but I couldn't help it. With my heart pounding faster and faster, I leaned closer. I was close enough to make out the barely visible yellow specks in her eyes. Damn those eyes. After two years of not seeing them, they still have the same hypnotizing effect on me. I leaned down closer to her face until I felt my lips connect with hers. Just as I remembered them. Soft, succulent and sweet. I stayed still, savoring the taste of the lips I missed so much. The kiss was small and gentle, but felt so good. So familiar.

I was about to pull away until I felt Harley's delicate hand on my cheek. Encouraged, I deepened the kiss. I ran my tongue across her bottom lip. Surprisingly, Harley slightly parted her lips granting me access. My arm wrapped more around her waist, pulling her body closer to mine. Ours tongues danced around as we continued our kiss.

Completely forgetting about the ballroom packed with wedding guests, I was in my own world. A world that I haven't been in since she walked out of my front door. A world that I have been longing to get back to for two years.

I slowly disconnected our lips and opened my eyes. I looked down at Harley to see her eyes still closed. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath. I licked my lips, the taste of hers still lingering. I took a deep breath as she finally opened her eyes and peered into mine. She turned her head to her right, breaking our gaze. It was then that I finally remembered where we were. I could again hear the music from the DJ and the voices of the guest fill the ballroom.

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