Chapter Nine

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Your feet hit the doorframe as Kylo carried you into the small medical chamber. You didn't lift your head from his shoulder, but you immediately felt cold when he lowered you gingerly onto a stretcher. Behind you, a medical droid beeped as it woke up from its inactivity. This room was barely ever used, you could tell. You wondered vaguely what happened when Stormtroopers were injured. Perhaps they were just left for dead.

"Miss [y/l/n] has been injured," Ren told the droid, his voice stern and dripping with authority. It sounded so much different without his helmet. "Please see to it that she gets the best care. I will be back momentarily to retrieve her."

As you looked up at him, noticing he wouldn't look at you. Your eyes glazed over the small little moles that peppered his skin. His thick black hair reminiscent of the style of his helmet. You had never really thought about what he might look like under his helmet. You had always previously suspected him to be much older than you, but as he spoke to the droid you realized he couldn't have been more than a few years your senior. You watched him replace his gloves, and before you could look at him anymore his helmet had returned to cover his face.

"Of course, Master Ren," the droid replied, its cold metal hand touching your face. The difference in temperature caused you to flinch.

"My apologies, Miss [y/l/n]," the droid apologized. "I haven't been active in quite awhile and it tends to be rather chilly in this sector."

Feeling dazed, you turned to look back at Ren only to realize he had disappeared. You hadn't even heard him leave. You suddenly felt alone and rather frightened. You jumped as the droid placed a cool ice pack on the back of your head.

"My technology tells me that you have a small laceration on your left cheek as well as a slight contusion on the back of your cranium. Do you feel anything else?"

"No," you told the droid quietly. You stared at the ceiling, counting the tiled above your head as you tried to push down the anxiety bubbling up in your chest. Your mind kept replaying the scene, each time dramatizing it more and more, the acid in your stomach rising as you closed your eyes.

The droid washed your wound out and applied a small band-aid to your face.

"Is there anything else you need, Miss [y/l/n]?" The droid asked you, his metal hands clasping together.

"No, thank you. May I stay here until Master Ren returns?"

The droid was silent for a moment. You wondered if it had the capacity to wonder why you wished to wait for such a terrible man with an infamous reputation.

"Of course," the droid replied, backing away on its little wheel. It wheeled itself back into the corner and remained silent.

You didn't know how long you laid there. It could have been an hour, or it could have been twenty minutes. You didn't really know. You scolded yourself, reassuring your mind that you would be fine. You were a psychiatrist after all and you would be able to help yourself cope with the repercussions of what you had endured. Half of you tried to reason that what had happened wasn't even that big of a deal. The other half of your mind was still in a bit of shock.

Anger suddenly overcame you. You thought of how stupid you were, how you could have easily prevented this from happening. You were angry at yourself. You were angry at your family for being poor and having you be the one to gather the income for the family. You were angry for taking this position. You were angry about being here, on this godforsaken cold planet lightyears away from your home. You were just angry. Tears threatened to fall down your cheek as you clenched your fists, pounding at the stretcher beneath you.

A Conflicted New Home: Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now