Chapter Eight

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"I must apologize, [y/n]." Hux gently spoke as he lifted his head up from his datapad. "But we are in a binding contract with your business from your home planet. We specifically made this document in case a situation like this arose. It states that you will be staying with us until further notice."

"But I need to get home," your voice was almost pleading. You felt pathetic, begging the General like this for a ride back home.

"I'm sorry, but my hands are tied."

"What if I chose to leave against this contract?" you offer, noticing how desperate you sounded.

The General gazed up at you, shutting off his datapad and placing it on his desk. It was just the two of you in his office. Everything around you was placed precisely where you imagined he liked it. You couldn't help but wonder when you walked in if the General had a touch of OCD.

"That would be most unprofessional of you, [y/n]. We expect better from such an accomplished woman like yourself." He told you stiffly. Finally, you nodded your head.

"Do you know how much longer I will be here, then?"

The General shook his head, looking back down at the paperwork on his desk. "I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that. That is between you and Master Ren. Judging by the state of some of my equipment, I would say that it won't be terribly soon."

"I apologize for inconveniencing you," you nodded, looking down at your lap. "I will do my best with Master Ren."

"Thank you," Hux nodded his head in appreciation, his bold red hair shining under the glow of his desk lamp.

"Good day, General." You stood up to leave, gathering what was left of your dignity.

"Oh, [y/n]. I almost forgot to mention. We'll be celebrating the completion of our new Starkiller Base superweapon this evening. Our men finished it a few hours ago. You are more than welcome to attend if you wish."

He ripped a corner of paper off his stack and wrote down the room number.

"It's a small celebration. Nothing extravagant." He told you, holding the small piece of paper out for you to take.

"Thank you," you said quietly, looking down at the room number. "I will consider this."

"Of course. Good day, [y/n]."

"Good day, General."

* * * * * * * * * *

What am I doing here? You wondered irritably at yourself. You stood next to General Hux and Captain Phasma, watching them as they nursed their drinks lightly and conversed about something you were barely apart of. You felt detached from your surroundings as you thought of what your family might be doing at home right then. Was Papa making your favorite dish? Was Mama still in bed, staring at the ceiling above her? Was Ollith doing his homework? Was anyone helping him if he had a question?

You regretted so deeply coming here. You scowled at the thought of how at one point you had suspected it would be such a grand idea with the promise of more income. What a fool you were.

General Hux's buoyant laughed earthed you suddenly. You looked over at him, watching him nudge his colleague in amusement. You had never seen him so loosened. It was probably the alcohol, you deduced. You could recall all the times he ate silently in the mess hall, reading the paper and reprimanding anyone who would speak to him on his dinner break. He was such a formal man.

The Captain looked over at you, and you quickly nodded your head, forcing a weak smile at a joke you hadn't even heard. You took a sip of your Lum, your eyes gazing over your glass as you looked around the room. Dozens of officers stood around, they too nursing drinks in their hands as they chatted loudly to one another. You wondered vaguely where Kylo was as you noticed his absence. Perhaps he had turned in early for the evening. You knew very well from your meetings with him that he wasn't fond of social gathering such as this one. Neither were you, really but it beat sitting in your room feeling depressed.

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