Chapter Two

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The spacecraft slowly made its descend to a metallic planet covered with white snow. It was nearing 2 in the morning, you realized as you noticed most of the lights in the space station were off. The sounds of the craft releasing air pressure as it landed sounded in your ears and you took a deep breath.

In your hands, you held a small piece of metal. Its edges were burned and it was small enough to fit in your small palm. You think back to when you were leaving for Academy and your father had pulled you aside.

"Take this." He insisted.

"What is it?" You turned the piece of metal over in your hand, grazing your fingertips over the burnt edges.

"A piece of the Death Star." His eyes twinkle with pride. "I've had it for years. Let it be a reminder of the Light and of the bravery and courage it took to get it."

You stare down at it now, your palms sweating. You hear the pilot radio to the base, relaying the message that the craft had landed and someone was to escort you from the craft. The pilot pressed a button on his dash and the door behind him swung open, letting a frigid gust of air hit you immediately.

"I can handle it." You pressed, feeling embarrassed. Did you not look capable? "Thank you for the ride."

As you stand up hurriedly, the piece of metal in your lap toppled into the floor before you. Your cheeks burn as you notice the pilot look back at you through his mirror. You bend down to retrieve your possessions as quickly as possible. I just want to get to my room, you think.

"Clumsy, today?" You hear a voice.

Standing up, you reach for your suitcase next to you but there is already a black gloved hand holding it. If your heart could have stopped there, it would have. Looking up, your eyes meet with a tall, red haired man's searing gaze. His jaw is clenched and judging by the rings around his sleeve, you already know he is of high rank.

"[y/n]" He says, his tone differing from his harsh gaze. "We've been expecting you. Welcome. Late night traveler, are we?"

You nod your head, fingers sweating as you slip the metal into your pocket.

"Yes, thank you. I just wanted to get here ... as soon as possible." You grab your satchel from below the seat and swing it over your shoulder.

"General Hux." He extended his lengthy arm to offer a handshake. You took it, letting him squeeze your petite hand. "If you could follow me, I'll show you to your quarters."

He motioned for you to go before him and you do so, pushing up the collar of your jacket as the wind burns your skin. The cold wind was howling in your hears as the two of you trudged through the snow. Once you get to the door, you watch the General as he punches in a code on a keypad close by. It unlocked and swung open, the heat hitting your face.

"We're pleased to have you aboard, [y/n]. We think you'll be a nice addition to the First Order and exceedingly beneficial to the minds of those on board." He says as the door behind him closes.

"It's a pleasure to be here. But I'm unsure as to whether or not you are aware that I am not here to join your organization. I'm here on business." You replied, studying your surroundings. Everything around you was metallic, your shoes clicking beneath you as you tried to keep up with Hux.

"Of course." He replied. "Business. Now, I suppose I could give you your instructions." He stated, turning his head slightly to watch you.

"Yes, that would be most beneficial to my sleeping patterns, General." You quipped bravely. The side of his lip twitched.

"Captain Phasma and I hand selected you to for our base. We saw your credentials with working with those who suffer from chronic, volatile anger as well as a variety of other ailments."

"I specialize in anger management." You offered.

"Yes, obviously. That is the main reason for your relocation. I am the commander of this ship, but we have others who we take commands from. Supreme Leader Snoke is one of them.

You shift uncomfortably as you continue to walk.

"The Supreme Leader gave directions to me that I am telling in hopes you'll respect its privacy. He recommends that Master Kylo Ren be seen by someone to help him with his conflicting emotions and sudden bursts of rage. We have lost two stormtroopers as well as numerous pieces of machinery this month due to his ungovernable outbursts."

"He needs counseling." You repeat, your eyes narrowing. "Shouldn't his Master do this?"

"That is not his place." Hux replied, hovering a gentle hand in the air. "Snoke has tried. There is only so much he can do. He does not have the knowledge you do. We're depending on your skills to help him."

You nodded your head, understanding as you turn another corner. Two stormtroopers stood in front of a door talking as they held their weapons at ease. Noticing, they looked over at the General and stood up a little straighter, ceasing their conversation almost immediately. You watched as the General glared at them out of the corner of his eye as he walked by, his features harsh. Your mouth twitched in an apologetic smile towards them.

Hux abruptly dropped your suitcase and reached for a key out of his pocket.

"This will be your quarters. Meals are served periodically throughout the day in the Mess Hall. We expect you to keep your quarters clean and tidy." He opened the door and held the key up, letting it dangle over your open palm.

"You're scheduled to meet Master Ren tomorrow morning. I expect you to be there." You watched as he fished at the inside of his coat pocket, pulling out a folded sheet of paper. "Here is some information on Master Ren."

"Does he know you're sending me?" You ask, suddenly having a wave of anxiety hit you.

"He will be informed." Hux nodded his head curtly. "We appreciate this."

"Thank you for this opportunity." You bite your tongue, hearing your fathers voice in your head.

"You're welcome, [y/n]. Get some sleep, now." Hux patted your shoulder as he walked past you. Looking down, your fingers gently unfolded the paper and scanned its contents.

"Kylo Ren - Room 232

Master of the Knights of Ren

Mother: Leia Organa

Father: Han Solo

Paternal Grandfather: Unknown

Paternal Grandmother: Unknown

Maternal Grandmother: Padme Amidala

Maternal Grandfather: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader"

Your heart sunk.

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