Chapter Six

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It was two weeks after your arrival at Starkiller Base. You hadn't made much progress with Kylo, but you were getting somewhere. Your meetings with him were short, but each day you felt you chip away at his anger problem just a little bit more. Your notes on him were growing longer and the pages of your notebook growing thicker with each meeting.

Now, you stood in your small bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror as you tried to tame your hair into a braid.

You jumped at the sound of a loud, metal on metal knock at your door.

"A letter, ma'am," A stormtrooper extended his free hand when you had opened it, handing you a thin worn looking letter. It bore stamps across the top of it and the long willow looking handwriting was immediately recognizable as your mothers. You felt your heart sink into your stomach. You stood there motionless, staring at the paper in his hands.

"T-thank you," you finally managed, taking the letter carefully.

"Good day," He added quickly before you shut the door. You stared down at it, the return address hastily written out with your home planets insignia on it. You turned it around in your hand, considering to yourself if you should open it this early in the morning before your meeting with Kylo. You didn't want to become distracted with him.

You couldn't stand waiting, though. Jamming your finger in the corner, you opened the envelope, extracting its contents. You let the envelope fall to the floor as you unfolded the letter in your trembling fingers. What could this be about?

"To my first born, [y/n],"

You realized it was your father's handwriting on the inside. Perhaps he had made your mother write the address on the front knowing you would open it if it were from her.

"We received your letter the morning you left us. Since you have gone, your mother has fallen into a deeper depression. She doesn't understand your departure from your job on this planet, or from us. Your brother, Ollith is heartbroken. He has looked up to you and your accomplishments over the years.

However, I have enlightened him on the deception of your actions in light of your recent disappearance.

Although asking why you have left to us to work for the Other side would be the proper thing to say in this letter, no amount of excuses or answers could mend our fragile hearts at this time. You say that it is a financial situation which prompted you to accept this position, but we have discussed this and decided we do not wish to take the credits you give us. Please keep the money. Taking credits from the First Order would be an abomination to my work in the Resistance years ago.

If you still hold that piece of the Death Star I had so dotingly given to you upon your retreat to Academy, I would like to kindly ask for it back at this time. Perhaps your brother, Ollith will appreciate it's monumental value and meaning more than you have.



You sat down on the edge of your bed, feeling the world around you begin to disintegrate and fall out of existence. Your fingers shook and your eyes filled with tears, crumpling the paper up into your fist. You stared at it in the palm of your hand, your heart broken with just the thought of the words. You sunk to the floor, your knees buckling.

"What have I done?" you whispered to yourself, holding your head in your hands. You did this for them, you thought to yourself acidly. You came here for the money so that you could send it back to them and so that they could live comfortably and happily. So that maybe you could help Ollith pay for his time at the Academy so he wouldn't have to struggle like you did.

A Conflicted New Home: Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now