Chapter Five

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You looked down at the food in your plate, pushing your peas around with your fork thoughtfully. Next to you was a crudely written history of Kylo's past, written up by General Hux and slipped under your door that morning. You stared at it, wondering about some of its lack of details.

Kylo Ren - Master of the Knights of Ren - came to us 4 years ago at he appointing of Supreme Leader Snoke. Previously, he began his training to become a Jedi under the apprenticeship of a famous Jedi knight before realizing the true nature of the Force. Supreme Leader Snoke was the one who sought after Ren, sensing his powers and thus summoned him to join the First Order. Ren has been aboard Starkiller Base since its inception and will continue to be a pivotal tool in the rise of the First Order.

Why exactly had Ren left his Master to work for the Order? Who had been his Master? And why was Ren so closed off to everyone about his past? The letter from Hux was vague, not giving much detail, which left you to fit the pieces back into a blank puzzle.

You wondered if his master could have been Luke Skywalker, the famed Jedi who had taken down Darth Vader. You think back to his family tree, remembering his mother's name. Leia Organa. That would have made Luke his Uncle, you think. Could that be why he was so emotional? Did he feel sorry for betraying not only the Light but his Uncle as well?

Emotional, you consider. You almost felt sorry for him. But how could you feel sorry for someone who consciously betrayed their family for the dark side? But what exactly had pulled him towards the dark side in the first place?

Next to you, you scribble down on your napkin: What compelled you to train on the dark side?

Stuffing the napkin in your uniform's pocket, you stand up and grab your tray of half eaten food. You haven't been hungry much lately. When you weren't picking apart Kylo Ren's world, you were thinking about your family back home and wondering what they were doing. Would Papa ever forgive you, you wonder as you walk down the aisle of hungry officers. Would they write? Perhaps you should write them another letter to let them know you had arrived safely, you thought sadly.

Without warning, you suddenly felt a hasty pinch on your behind, causing you to jump from your skin. You turn around, staggered. It was the officer from the control room who had so boldly whistled at you in front of the General. You stare at him for a moment, mouth agape as you slap his hand away.

"How dare you," you spat. "Control yourself, you filthy pig!"

His colleagues around him snickered, smiling at you and elbowing him with delight.

"Not with that ass, baby." He leaned forward trying to grab you again but you move away. At a loss for words and fuming, you quickly threw your tray in the closest garbage and exited the mess hall.

"Filthy men," you sputtered, your face burning in both embarrassment and anger. The nerve. With a mess of colorful words floating through your mind and your feet traveling much faster than normal, you suddenly found yourself in an unknown part of your sector. You look around as anger and embarrassment had replaced themselves with frustration and an ounce of anxiety. You stared at the room numbers, concentrating on remembering if you had ever been there.

Nothing looked familiar. Actually, everything looked familiar because the whole base appeared similar. Two stormtroopers rounded the corner to pass by you, not bothering to look in your direction. Your mouth opened with a question on its tip, but they were gone before you could find it in your pride to tell them you were lost.

You started walking, hoping you could find your way back to the mess hall at least. You poked your head in some rooms as you walked by, observing some stormtroopers leisurely reclining in their chairs as they watched a game of virtual chess. Their laughter filled your ears, but it was quickly replaced by the sounds of a rage filled cry that echoed down the corridor. You practically jumped out of your skin.

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