Highschool , Yay ?

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It was the big day for Alyssea Kyler as she delicately applied her eyeliner and mascara being careful not to mess up . Her stomach jumped when her mom Ana knocked silently on her door ,
" Sweetheart it's almost time to leave , are you ready ? " , I rolled my eyes knowing she couldn't see me " Yes mom hold on just a second " , I spat out the words like venom . I know she loves me but I can't stand the whole mom act , it's just school . What was the big deal ?
As I opened my door I almost ran into her as she stood against the door frame tapping her foot impatiently.
" You look great but do you seriously have to take so long on your makeup ? " , she pried while following me down the stairs with an annoying pep in her step . Hah anxious to get rid of me for the day hmm ?
" Mom you can complain all you want but if you don't want me taking so long wake me up earlier " , I said as I grabbed my water bottle and headed for the front door .
She scoffed at this and hastily grabbed her keys and headed towards me ,
" There's no need to be a teenage prick sweetie , now go get in the car and wait " .
Gosh she could be so rude sometimes , but I still love her so much , she's my mother after all .
On the way to school neither of us said a word , acknowledging that it was way too early for communication, neither of our brains could operate quite yet .
We were at the stop light when Ana broke the silence ,
" Promise me you'll be good the first day , I don't need extra stress right now " .
With my father out of the picture and my mother having to work two jobs I somewhat understood and nodded my head in response .
This clearly annoyed her as she lurched forward at lightning speed when the light turned green .
I only realized what was happening when I saw LED headlights shining right in my eyes .
" MOM STOP " , but to no avail we were sandwitched with a black SUV .
The last thing I encountered were sirens and my mom attempting to grasp onto my hand , I knew this wouldn't end well .

Hey so I know the chapter is short but I just wanted to update something to hook you guys . Anyway I hope it's good so far !
Don't forget to fan and comment !!
Love you all <3

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