"I had the doctor explain to me over the phone, he confirmed everything." Christine's voice sounds with me trying to figure everything out step by step. "Mhm." I mumble, getting to the statement at the ending of the paper.

The combined parentage index is 1,971,999 (corresponding to a Probability of Paternity of 99.99%, assuming prior probability = 0.5) and indicates that these genetic data are 1,971,999 times more likely if Jason A. McCann is the biological father of Joel A. Baker than if an untested, unrelated Caucasian man is the biological father. This genetic analysis excludes at 99.99% of Caucasian men from paternity.

I look at the genetic material very closely, seeing if I had nothing but zeros and negative numbers. Just my luck, nothing but the same matches, or close numbers are plastered on the paper. If I had a ten and a twelve on the paper, little Joel had a ten and twelve as well. I almost got happy seeing a number out of range, but he was just one number off. I read the last sentence of the paperwork, having my reality crash down onto me. The Laboratory Director even signed it officially, so I knew this had to be legit.

Jason A. McCann is the father of Joel A. Baker.

David L. Morgan, Ph.D., Laboratory Director

Identity DNA Testing Center

"Oh God, oh no." I whisper, shaking my head in refusal. "Don't be sad." Joel says, but I hear Christine quietly shush him, mumbling for him to give me a minute to calm down.

"Christine you finally made it." Mal's voice calls out from behind me, I also see Christine hide Joel behind her. "Y-yeah." Her voice comes off nervous as hell. It's like she already knows she'll get a beat down; with me right on the ground with her.

"Is that that the paperwork Christine needed to drop off to you, Jase?" Mal points to the papers in my hand, still not seeing Joel behind Christine. She really can't see far away. "Oh um, these? Yeah, these are the papers she has brought me." The shakiness in my voice being stupid and reveling itself.

"Okay, do you guys want something to eat? I just made some ham sandwiches." I shake my head, not really having an appetite. "I want one, I'm hungry!" Joel calls out from behind Christine, holding one of his fingers up.

"No Joel." Christine turns around to bend down in front of Joel, scolding him in a hushed manner. "W-who's that?" Mal points a finger Joel's way, walking closer and closer to us.

"Babe, Mal I have to tell you something." I get in front of her, halting her from coming anymore closer. "What's going on, Jason?" My mom calls in the doorway with Alex looking with an unusual face. Sadness, and pissed off face is what it seems like.

"I- let's go into the living room." My nerves getting the best of me. "I'm hungry, mama." Joel whines some more, causing me to turn angrily at Christine.

"Damn it Christine, are you even feeding him at home?" I shout at her, causing her to jump a little bit. "I try, Jason. I gave him a couple of crackers before we left." She attempts to make her lack of feeding him sound good.

Him groaning and holding onto his stomach makes shake my head, as well as giving her an annoyed eye roll. I look back at Mal, who looks at me, then Joel, then back at me. I can hear her swallow unevenly, yet she doesn't react.

"Let's all talk in the kitchen, he can have a sandwich." She turns from me, walking fast as can be in the kitchen. "My gosh," I look down at the wood floor, shaking my head. "Come on, let's go get him a sandwich." I motion with head for everyone to follow me into the kitchen.

When I walk inside the kitchen I see Mal holding a big ass knife in her hand, instantly making me and Alex gasp. I rush over to her, carefully trying to take the knife out of her hands. She refuses me, smacking my hand lightly.

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