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Stuffy, hot air hit my face when I stepped into the pub; this evening it was more crowded than it normally was. People were sitting at the bar or standing around the pool table, judging from the cheering they were playing an exciting game. I tried to work my way to the bar but since I was quite small, people didn't move aside for me. Suddenly someone bumped my shoulder and a flash of pain shot through my chest. I almost cried out but instead I stood very still and tried to breath in and out evenly until the pain ceased away.

The man who had bumped my shoulder turned around and said:

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean... Wow, are you okay? You don't look okay."

You don't say, I thought. I ignored him and continued to push my way past people.

It worried me though; I hadn't slept properly for the past two weeks, the image of a blade piercing my heart clearly flashing in front of me every time I closed my eyes, and I looked like a ghost. Normally a mere lack of sleep wouldn't hurt me. The wound was very painful though, and even when it had mostly healed and turned into a big, pink scar, I still needed to rest in order for it to heal fully.

But that wasn't even the worst thing; the confusion, the lies were. I just couldn't figure out what exactly had happened, or actually hadn't happened. I knew the blade wouldn't hurt me, because it was made of steel that couldn't hurt a pure soul like mine. It was harmless to humans as well, but it was meant to kill a fallen soul, a soul committed to interrupting the balance. And those people that attacked me definitely belonged to that group, otherwise they wouldn't have tried to kill me. At least that's what my superior had taught me. What if... What if he had lied? It was a big deal for me to think like that, I made a huge accusation to my brothers and sisters, to my Father...

NO, no, I may not have such thoughts, I was not allowed to have such thoughts. I should be ashamed of myself thinking such things. I would be a traitor to my own kind. I would just become like those damned.

My people had always loved me, cared for me, they were my family, my brothers and sisters, and they were my everything. I should be forever grateful for that. There must be some other explanation for what had happened, I was sure of it.

I saw a free stool at the bar so I walked over to it. As soon as I sat down, a boy sat next to me, which I didn't like. Although I didn't look at him, I could see from the corner of my eye that he was staring at me, which made me feel uncomfortable. I decided to just ignore him and slowly walk away unnoticed, but as soon as I stood up he started to speak.

"Hello girll," he said, "well, may I just say, you are hot as hell."

I rolled my eyes, the irony in that one sentence was just remarkable. Judging from his breath which smelled like cigarettes and alcohol he was obviously drunk.

"What are you doing here, baby? You wanna have a drink?"

His behaviour annoyed me, so I didn't answer his question, and what should I answer anyway.

What was I doing here? I thought about everything that had happened since I had fled from Nepal. From my escape I cannot remember much, the pain was too overwhelming. But somehow I had managed to get up really fast and take the backpack that had been situated next to the broad man. I truly hadn't seen it until the moment I was ready to travel, almost as if it was put there by a miracle. To just take it, had been a gamble though, but I had no time to think about it so I travelled as fast as never before and ended up in London. I didn't know why exactly, but I recalled hearing something about that place, something odd, but I couldn't remember where I had heard such a thing.

My wound almost healed immediately after I had arrived and fortunately when I opened the backpack it did contain my laptop and files. The next step was to find shelter. Eventually I had found a tenantless building and decided to stay in there until I had some things sorted out. In the meantime I also needed new clothes, because mine were soaked with blood, so I stole some from a market nearby. While I was trying to find my way around in the city, I was still hunting for clues, for signs, anything strange that might happen, but up till now, nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. I felt like I was at a dead end again. The mission didn't go well and I didn't even have a single idea where to look in the first place! So no, I didn't know what I was doing at all, but I was not going to tell him that.

"Uhmm hello? What are you staring at? You wanna have a drink or what?" he asked.

I was drawn back to reality and looked at him.


I stood up and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, where are you going? Don't leave yet."

"Sorry, I have to go," I said.

"Ahh come on babe, we were just having a nice conversation. Know what, I'll tell you the coolest story EVER!"

He still held my arm and I gave him an angry look, but he didn't seem to notice.

"What is your name by the way?" he asked.

I sighed, he wasn't going to leave me alone.

"It's Amy," I said annoyed.

"Ohh I like Amy. Well Amy listen, I swear this truly happened! It even happened just one week ago," he nodded proudly.

"Well you have my friends and I, and we were just doing some boxing at school. And you know, I am quite good at that. Best in class even, I mean, look at my muscles."

He tightened his muscles and winked at me. Ugh, I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to waste my time on this and tried to loosen his grip.

"Wait, wait! Now the best part! My friends had to fight each other in front of the class, you see. But the moment they touched each other, it was like BOOM!! Power went out, no less than in one third of London! But I was sure I saw some sparkles around my friends at that exact moment. Isn't that strange? Almost as if it was magic," he said with an exaggerating voice.

Now he had caught my attention. How could it be that I hadn't even noticed a power failure.

Perhaps he was just talking nonsense, but I had to find out more about this situation.

"Which school do you attend?" I asked him.

"Wow wow wow, girl, not so fast. Why do you wanna know which school I attend?" he laughed.

"That's my business."

"Well alright. Not that I could recommend it or anything..."

"Just tell me the name of the school you attend."

"Yeah yeah, fine. It's just some lame ass public school called Hinton college. But don't go there, it's bad," he said, "or do you already attend school there? I haven't seen you before though..."

"No, I don't," I answered, "but I'm going to."



Hey guys! Long time no see (;
We'll be updating our chapters a lot faster from now on, because we have our deadline soon and we want it to be fully on here before we publish (:

Anyways, let us know what you think; we're very curious! Do you have a favourite character yet? And don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter (;

Love Xx.~

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