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I walked down the path. The world around me was silent; all I heard was the sound of gravel under my shoes. I stopped and looked at the view. Long hills stretched out in front of me and in the distance I could see the big grey mountains, its white tops disappearing into the sky.

As I breathed in the fresh, cold air, I closed my eyes. Quiet and peaceful places like these were the places where I was able to think clearly. It reminded me of home.

I pulled my red sweater closer around my body. It was cold and rainy which meant winter was coming. I shivered as a raindrop fell on my face. Everything brought back memories of home, where it was never cold. Home.. I literally could not stop thinking about it. I missed it so much, but I had to stop letting my thoughts wander all the time and I had to stay focused on the mission. The mission was important and it needed to be done.

Another raindrop fell on my face. Time to go back. I turned around and walked the same path back until I was at lower grounds and hidden between two surrounding hills. I looked around one last time but there was no-one to be seen, so I closed my eyes and felt the usual pull at my body as I traveled back to the city.

By the time I got back in Kathmandu, the weather had already gotten way worse than it had been on the hills. Now rain came pouring out of the sky and was soaking my clothes. I didn't have an umbrella but I still kept walking. Sounds of traffic were everywhere around me; the loud sounds of claxons were almost deafening. I still had to walk for a while before I would reach my apartment. The closer I came, the more the surroundings changed. The buildings looked dirty and the streets were covered in garbage. Some buildings looked like they might collapse any second. A group of boys was standing on the corner, all smoking a cigarette. I continued walking in a steady pace, ignoring them. When they saw me, each one of them gave me a weird look. Then one of them yelled something at me in Nepal.

"What's a pretty little girl like you doing in this dangerous part of the city? Are you lost sweetie? Should we take you back to your mommy and daddy?"

At that they started laughing. I ignored them and kept up my pace. People might think I look like a weak little girl, which was very annoying, but those people didn't know me.

By the time I reached my apartment I felt like I was covered in ice. It would have been a lot faster to run, but that would have been far too suspicious. I could not take the risk of being  noticed and travelling while I was in the centre of the city was out of question.

I took the key out of my pocket and opened the door, walking up a long set of small stairs and finally closing the door of my apartment behind me.

While taking off my soaked red sweater and changing it for a black one, I looked around my apartment.

True, it wasn't a very nice room to live in, but that didn't matter that much since it was only temporary anyway. I made my way to the table, flicking through some files and picking up my backpack from under the table to take a quick look in it.

Don't forget to go to the library tomorrow, I made a mental note for myself. All of these books are useless, I need others.

I sighed. How was that possible though? How could I still not have found anything? I was certain that I had read every book from the library about the subject. I'd even been to a lot of antique bookshops to look for older books than those I could get from the library but still there was nothing.

There was one book though that might be exactly what I was looking for, but it seemed to be a dead end. I had asked in all antique stores I could find but no one seemed to know about it. There wasn't anything to be found on the internet either. It seemed to just.. Not exist.

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