3.7; "I promise."

Start from the beginning

"Anytime." He spoke, before he stared at me again. I had always wondered why he looked at me like that, "Why do you look at me that way?" I suddenly asked, my curiosity clearly getting the best of me. He lightly chuckled, before looking at me again. Dammit, I can feel my knees getting weak.

"I'm not just looking at you," He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I queried. He took another step closer, and my heart began to race.

"It's much more than that." He whispered. i was still utterly confused, and he could tell, so he smiled.

"I guess I see something more than just a person."  He spoke softly. I blanky stared at him, what was that supposed to me?

Oh my darling, you have no idea what that means. When he looks at you, he see's the stars, my dear. After all stars can only shine in the darkness, and it's an absolute perfect combination. Maybe one day you will figure it out.

He knew that I still barely understood, so he gave me a light smile, before he turned to walk away, but I called after him.

"Hey!" I shouted, and he quickly turned back around, furrowing his eyebrows this time. I smiled.

"Come to my house at seven, to study." I say. He suddenly smirked, and I let out a light laugh. Just like the old Lucas.

"Sounds perfect." He replied, and my heart began to race along with the millions of butterflies flying around my stomach.

We stared at each other for a moment more, before his lips curved upward, and he turned around to head back to his next class.

I leaned back, before I closed my locker. I leaned against it, as I couldn't keep the smile and blush off of my face.

I suddenly heard my phone ding, and I quickly looked down to it.

From: Lucas <3

' Can't wait ;) '

I shook my head, as I looked at the message with a smile. Just like forever ago.

I lightly giggled, before I pulled my bag back onto my shoulder and headed for my next class.


I lied down on my bed, as I stared up at the ceiling.





I sighed, as I waited. Riley, you are delusional, he isn't going to be here the second it turns seven.


I  swiftly sprung from my bed, to walk out into the living room. No knock, not ring. Duh, obviously Riley he isn't going to be here at exact, you are insane.

I decided to lie down on my couch, as I waited a bit longer. Why was I worrying about this so much? Just relax, Riley.

Time passed on, and he still wasn't here. I didn't want to bother him, so I didn't call or text him.

It was now 45 minutes after seven, and I was beginning to worry. I went to go grab my science textbooks for our project, as I started shuffling through my bag. I didn't see them at all.

"Oh shoot." I slapped my forehead. They were in my locker, and I have to have them! Crap.

I looked down to my phone, before a caller ID suddenly popped up. It was Lucas, so I quickly answered.

HYPNOTIC ✗ rucasWhere stories live. Discover now