Chapter 3

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As I walked towards my locker and unlocked it with the code the school gave me yesterday, Dexter came from behind and said,

"What has crawled up your butt and died?"

"Nothing", I exclaimed, "Just two hours of geometry first thing in the morning, gimme five!" I said raising my hand for Dexter and he slapped it. 

I closed the locker shut with a force that made Dexter laugh quietly in amusement. I gave him a glare that could kill anyone within seconds if that was possible whilst he abruptly silenced.

"Lucky much or what. You haven't changed one single bit", he laugh shaking his head. He draped one arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry Ollie you were always good at math, it was always written in the stars for it to return the love you have given it!"

"Shut up" I smiled.

"At least I made you smile." God I love him. One person I know will always be there to make me laugh. I wouldn't know what to do without him. I peered over his shoulder to see a red hair girl with bright green eyes by herself gawping at something intently as if she was uncovering a treasure within a pile of dump.

"Hey Dex, what's up with Bay."

He moved his front of his body in the direction of Bays sighing heavily, "She's staring a Mr.Prince Charming. Has the hots for him and won't stop thinking about him." I followed her gaze and

"Ohhh, so he's the 'He'!" Looking at a tall; tanned blonde. Whenever Bay used to call me when I was in San Francisco, he always came up. Dude, she couldn't stop talking about him. It was always: He this...He that...He this and that. I can see why now.

He blowed through his lips saying, "More like SHE'S the 'He'!"

"What?" I asked him confused.

"C'mon look at him!" As I did I could see that he had a strong masculine jaw with great hard abs. His short; wavy blond hair stood out and his hazel eyes looked warm and slightly teasing. Not as good as Connor though. WHAT THE HELL!!! I quickly turned to Dexter.

"What's wrong."

"Look at him. He looks like the type that would spend his free time looking at the mirror naked and complimenting himself. "Mmmhhh, my six packs are amazing" and "My handsome face would send even the A-listers into a pit of shame." I bet he spends more time in the bathroom than any girl in this school."

I fell into a fit of laughter, clutching both of my sides and tears coming from my eyes. It took me a while for me to speak normally, "I see. Your sure your not jealous."

"Me. Jealous. Yeah right. I just want what's best for Bay, Ollie. And don't you even say I'm acting like her father because I'm not, I'm acting like a friend." He said pointing at me. I slowly put my hands in the air surrendering, giggling everyone once in a while.


The bell rang implying it was time for two hours in hell. I said goodbye to Dexter and waved at Bay winking, seeing them both later at lunch.


It was lunchtime and I was starving. I got two pieces of pizza and can of coke. My eyes were looking around the room looking for Dexter and Bay. There was a table that belonged to each clique in school: goths, punks, skaters and many more. But my gaze diverted to the table where Abigial and Connor was sitting. Their table wasn't the cheerleader and jock table because on both sides of it there it was, a cheerleader and jock table. I am guessing though their table was the very top most popular people in school...

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