20. Hate the players. Not the game

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Authors note: Unedited


"Villains are just people who went through so much shit that they cant handle it no more so they just become this empty shell that has no emotion but anger."

The alarm clock next to her head went off at exactly 5am. Winnie was wide awake at this point and in a rush she threw on a new tank top and jeans. Flipping her hamper upside down, she grabbed her clothes, walked over to her window, pushed open the blinds letting a small percentage of light in, and opened her window.

Jumping out of it, she hissed slightly as the wet grass met her bear feet. The wind felt cool t She had a plan to set her clothes on fire but then she realized that, not only did she have a match or a lighter, she didn't even have a place to start a fire. She had a garbage can. That is all she had. And it was plastic. Obviously Winnie didn't think this through enough.

Cussing underneath her breath, she did the only thing she could do - place the clothes inside a stinky garbage bag that had been sitting there for over a week. She held her breath as she closed the bag back up. It was in the past now. And that's where it stays.

She decided since it was only five in the morning, she'd set out her clothes, sleep until 7, and then grab her backpack and a bagel, and walk out that door like it was a normal day.

She took a deep breath and smelled the fresh dew on the ground. "Its good to be back." Climbing back in the window, she closed it quickly, and plopped back into bed - setting the alarm and falling asleep instantly.

Killing was tiring.

The alarm woke her again. The annoyingly beeping sound got louder as she tried to ignore for a longer period of time. Angrily, she felt for it on her night stand. When she found it, she ripped it out of the wall and slammed it onto the ground by her beside.

"No!" Winnie groaned into her pillow.

"Winnie?" Three quick taps came from behind her locked door. "Sweetie? Time to get!"

"I'm up!" She hollered back to her mom. Wen listened carefully as she heard her mothers footsteps slowly fade away. "Stupid school." Winnie moaned as she pulled on her clothes that sat on her beside. A red shirt with black skinny jeans. She would wear her combat boots with her new dark make-up that was still in her unopened box that was left in the corner of her room.

After she was completely ready she was able to grab her backpack and look at the time at the same time. 7:30 A.M. Great. Just freaking peachy.

Walking out her bedroom door, she noticed the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. This wasn't part of the plan either. What was that one thing she wanted to do? Ah, yes, avoid her mother. Why was it so hard to do the things she wanted? Maybe she just pass her and make a B-line towards the school. But her stomach had other ideas as it growled for the delicious smell of breakfast.

'Cant you just skip breakfast for a day?' She inwardly thought at it as it growled again.


'Why in the hell not?'


She sighed and shook her head. She was trying to "talk" to her stomach and in reality, she was just talking to herself in her mind.

"I'm loosing my mind." Winnie hissed as she stomped into the kitchen and sagged down. Her mother didn't hear her, which she was thankful for, but she couldn't help but notice the good mood that shown on her mothers face. She was dancing without any music on and humming tunes that weren't familiar to Wen. What. Was. Wrong. With. This. Family?

"Mornin', Mom!" She greeted cheerfully.

Tara was in her own little world. Her night with Jax was wonderful. There was no sex, just talking. Jax wanted to talk about their daughter. Sigh, their daughter. She loved hearing and saying that. Tara also loved that Jax somehow became more responsible and wanted to step up and be a father. Especially when Abel was coming home soon, and Winnie was going into her trouble teen stage. The main thing was, was that Jackson Teller, the irresponsible boy she knew in high school wanted to be the father of two wonderful children.

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