I looked around the room, my eyes landed on another person's.

"Hey." I said, groggily.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." The deep voice said.

"How long was I out?"

" 'Bout eight hours." He shrugged.

"Why is it so dark?"

"The light's off. Do you want me to turn them on?"

"Yeah, I can't see who it is." I admitted.

"Aww, you don't recognise my sexy voice?" He asked.

"Sorry, but no." I chuckled.

"How sad, Nerd, how sad." Okay now I know that its Oscar.

"Sorry, loser. I just don't know voices that well." I could just feel him smirking.

"How did you know its me?"

"Your the only person that calls me Nerd." I shrugged, but then winced at the pain.

"Very observant, Nerdy, very observant." Oscar sat down on the bed, because I felt the bed lower by my feet.

"Am I heavy?" I asked, randomly.

"You what?" He looked at me.

"When you were carrying me; was I heavy?" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, you're not heavy at all. My little sister is heavier than you." Oscar shrugged.

"You seem a little tense." Noticing he's not moved in a while and his fists are clenched.

He chuckled, half-heartly, "I am a little tense." Noticing himself.

"Why, what happened?" I asked, trying to sit up, wincing.

"Hey, becareful!" He said, helping me.

"Thanks," I smiled and he smiled back.

Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath on my lips.

The door swung open, "Riley!" My sister shrieked and Oscar moved back.

Liv wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug, "When did you wake up?"

"When I heard the door close. Only Oscar was in the room."

"I wasn't here for the wake up? You should have gone to the doctor!" She scolded.

"I got...distracted." Oscar said, quietly.

My cheeks turned a slight pink, probably unnoticable.

"Are you... blushing?" Liv asked. Clearly the blushing hadn't gone unnoticed.

"N-no. Of course not." I laughed, nervously.

Liv rolled her eyes and the 5sos boys walked in.

"Oh my god! Dolly are you okay?" Luke asked.

"Oh babes! I'll never leave your side again!" Mikey mumma-bear hugged me.

"My baby girl, how much pain are you in?" Ashton pouted.

"My cookie monster, I'm here for you!"

"I love you so much." They said, in unison. Okay, that wasn't just scary it was creepy.

"Okay, what was that?" Liv and I asked. We looked at each other, "Woah, that so cool, okay don't do telepathy, okay now it's creepy, stop!"

"You guys sure you ain't twins?" Tyler asked, doing stupid hand movements.

"Yeah, pretty sure." I replied, doing the same stupid hand movements.

"Ta gueule." (Shut up.)

"To be honest, I'd rather not." I grinned.

"Saviez-vous qu'il est impoli de parler dans une langue différente en face d'autres personnes?" Oscar asked Tyler, smirking.

(Did you know it's rude to speak in a different language in front of other people?)

"You what?" I was completely gobsmacked.

"Didn't think I could speak French could you?" His smirk widened.

"If you truely can speak French, translate this," Tyler coughed getting ready to speak.

"Take your time." Oscar rolled his eyes.

"Tyler est la meilleure personne que je l'ai jamais rencontré et il est super génial et je l'aime." Tyler said, proudly.

"You've got to be kidding." Oscar sighed.

"Nope, totes, serious." Tyler smirked.

"Basically, he's complimenting him-"

"Hey! Say the sentence!"

"Tyler is the best person I have ever met and he is super awesome and I love him." He mumbled.

"Say it a little louder." He teased.

Oscar said the sentence again.

"I'm sorry, didn't catch that." Tyler put his ear closer to Oscar as he repeated the sentence again.

"Stop mumbling!" Tyler whined.

Oscar said it louder and he was fuming.

"Wait, you love Tyler? Oh my God! I ship it! Hashtag...Tyscar!" I laughed so hard I was clutching my stomach.

"Calm down-"

"Love you, too, Oscar!" Tyler pulled Oscar in for a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

The whole room erupted with laughters.

"Great, now I need an hour bath to get this rank stuff off my face." Oscar complained.

Then the doctor came in making the laughter stop instantly.


Do you ship Tyscar? Was this chapter funny enough for y'all? I hope it was.

Don't be a silent reader xD

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