Park Jimin - Dance Studio Pt.1

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You loved BTS and you always learned their dance moves to their newest songs. You had a little group of friends that loved BTS as well and you guys would learn their dances together. With school and final exams coming up, this was your last chance to dance to your favorite songs.

Today was your last day off before you had to go back to school and study hard so you booked the dance studio close to your house to run through all the dances you knew before you forgot them all. Your friends didn't come because they were busy studying. You plugged in your phone to the speaker system and started playing Run, BTS's most recent music video release. You watched their dance practice over and over again and picked up the steps easily. The only thing you couldn't get right was when they jumped up and smoothly transitioned into their own spot. (1:25 in the dance practice video)

No matter how hard you tried, you were able to jump up and transition but never as smoothly as you wanted to. You hated not being able to execute the dance properly. You would replay the video over and over again and watch Jimin flawlessly transition.

"He's done it a million times, that's why." your friends would say to encourage you.

You groaned and sat down, letting the song continue to play. You guessed that you could call yourself a perfectionist. Every single dance move had to be perfect and on spot, sometimes you would overwork yourself and get a lecture from your mom.

You grabbed your phone and decided to go on Snapchat, snapping that you were having a great time practicing the transition. Your friends answered, telling you to not work too hard because you had school the next day.

You spent most of your time that day at the dance studio. You looked around for your water bottle but couldn't find it so you ran upstairs to buy one from the vending machine. When you came down, someone was dancing and singing at the same time. His orangey red hair bounced as you saw him execute the jump and transition perfectly. When you saw his face, it was none other than Jimin from BTS.

You squealed on the inside like a fangirl but you were able to keep the 'chill' on the outside. You walked towards the table and set down your water, admiring his near perfect dance moves. When the song ended you stood up and applauded so loud that the birds outside flew away.

"Wah! Daebak! Teach me how to do the jump and transition!" you smiled, walking to him.

Jimin smiled and bowed 90 degrees.

"I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you." he smiled.

"Y/N." you replied.

You two talked for a bit before he started teaching you. He told you that they were just staying for a couple of days before they needed to perform at the upcoming MAMA Awards.

He watched you dance to the whole song first then gave suggestions on how you could improve.

"Now jump and glide." he said. You have been at this part for at least one hour now, Jimin telling you to relax your muscles and let your body move by itself, giving it the smooth and natural look of the gliding.

You felt that you did it perfectly this time and his facial expressions confirmed it. You squealed out loud and hugged him. When you realized what you were doing, you quickly got off of him, hoping no one saw you hugging the idol. You cleared your throat and started the music all over again, this time, Jimin joining you. You guys danced in an awkward atmosphere but still danced to the whole song, him singing his parts live. You enjoyed his company and wished that he could stay forever, but of course, he wouldn't be able to. And in a matter of time, he would forget your name, your face, and the short time of memories you shared together.

Your phone started to ring and you answered your phone.

"Eomma?" you answered.

"Y/N! I'm coming to pick you up, we are meeting your brother and his friends for dinner. He just came back to Korea!" your mom said.

"But I need to shower!" you replied.

"It's okay, I brought you a dress to change into. Your brother will understand. He is in a boy group that dances and sweats a lot anyways. I'll be outside in one minute!" she replied, hanging up the phone.

"I need to go have dinner with my family now. I wish we could've spent the rest of the day dancing." you sighed.

"It's okay, I have to go eat dinner too. We will meet again. I know it." Jimin smiled.

He pulled you in for a hug and patted your back gently. You gladly hugged him back. There was a honk outside the studio so you pulled away and looked outside. It was your mom.

"I have to go now." you frowned.

"See you around!" Jimin waved.

You waved back and quickly packed up your things and left.



Part 1! There will be another part to Jimin's imagine... Maybe three??

Who's next??


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