Chapter 4 : Beyond appearances

Comenzar desde el principio

- Should have though that'd be too heavy for a Shrimp like you.

- Who are you calling Shrimp?

- You, duh! He answered as if the question was serious. Do you really use this huge pile of books? Cause with those kind of questions...

- Just repair the damn shelves! She told, not wanting encourage his teasing.

Levy knew nevertheless that it was too late for that and Gajeel was already laughing of the pout she couldn't stop making.

- Gihi! You may be small but you've got more character then I thought.

Levy gave him a murderous look then when back to her couch to read.

- Princess is reading while I'm doing all the job hen?

Normally, the minute Levy opened a book, she disappeared in it, not hearing a sound from her surroundings. However, with Gajeel in her home, she couldn't reach the level of concentration and she heard him grumble.

- Oh! I just didn't expect that the mighty Gajeel needed a little girl's help.

Mush to her satisfaction, her retort erased the mocking smile from Gajeel's lips. He obviously did not expect such a replica from the young woman. He didn't add anything and went back to work. Before even realising it, Gajeel was finished.

- Already?

- Gihi! What did you expect Shrimp? It only a couple a wood pieces to put back together.

- Oh! Well... thanks!

He turned to the door when she stopped him.

- Where are you going?

- I'm done. I'm certainly not staying for a cup of tea, he grumbled.

- And all those book on the floor? I'll take me hours to put them all back to their place!

- It's your own damn fault for having so much!

Levy wasn't ready to let him win. He wanted to atone for his sins? Fine! He would repair his mistakes the right way. The bluenette let a calculated silence for a couple a seconds and then added.

- Yeah! Should've expect it...

The young woman had to struggle to keep her smile of satisfaction at bay when Gajeel started to pick up her books emitting something that sounded like a growl. This time, she wasn't planning to hang back and started to organise the books as Gajeel was giving them to her. Surprisingly, time passed way faster then she thought and a growl from the man's stomach made her look to the clock. Eight O'clock? She realise to her astonishment.

- Have you hate diner before coming here?

He shook his head indicating he didn't. Obviously, he hated being hungry.

- I guess you didn't had time to do go to the market for food either. Wait! I'll find you something.

She walked to the kitchen without even waiting for his answer and started to look for something to eat. Sadly, she wasn't inspired at all. As much irritating Gajeel could be, he just passed two hours helping her. He, at least, deserved something decent for diner. The fridge was open for a couple of minutes already. She jumped from surprise when she noticed Gajeel right behind her, looking as well which ingredients were available.

- You could make pasta with that leftover chicken. Ah and...

Without waiting for her approbation, he put his hands on her shoulders and moved her to the right to take her place in front of the refrigerator. He then grabbed what was needed.

- Hey! Who do you think you are?

- You invited me for dinner or not?

- Eat dinner, not cook it!

- You can help if you want.

With a sigh of exasperation, Levy gave up on the idea of snatching the ingredients back and took out a cutting board.

- What do you need? She resigned herself.

- Gihi! You learn fast!

- You're unbearable! She exclaimed, throwing him the apron she took out for herself.

- No way in hell I'm wearing that, he growled before tossing it on the floor.

Who the hell is that guy? Thought Levy with discouragement. Against all odds, the urge to burst laughing took over her. But that, there was no way he'll know it!


Mira had grabbed hastily one of Mr. Makarov's car keys. The hurry and the rage in which Laxus left the hostel couldn't end well. She got to find him, and quick, if she wanted to know where he was going. Scanning the parking lot, she was relieved to see he was still in a car, consulting a map. "It's now or never" Mira told herself before sneaking to her own car. To her relief, the vehicle was far enough to keep an eye on Laxus while being in a safe distance from him. The young woman rested her left cheek on her hand in a sign of discouragement. "In what have I gotten myself dragged in? She thought realising the complexity of the task she just agreed to do.

Laxus finally starting the car he borrowed, or temporarily stole, depending of the point of view. Mira did the same and started to follow him, trying to find the right distance between the fear of losing his sight and the fear of being caught. But obviously, the man was lost in his thoughts and, even when Mira was convinced she would be spotted, Laxus kept driving as if nothing appended.

The ride lasted two long hours before finally reaching the border of Crocus, the capital. The city was humongous and surrounded by water. Incidentally, it was needed to take a ferry to the city. She parked her car far away from his, payed for her ticket and found a place where she could be out of sight. Then she let her eyes wander to find Laxus's location. He was not far from her. She should've been nervous from their proximity, but what caught her attention was the sadness in his eyes, normally filled with anger. "What's happening to you Laxus" she thought with weariness. She found herself wanting to help him, but she knew for a fact that he wouldn't let her do so. As tormented as he was, Mr. Makarov's grandson always was alone and took care of his problems without help. Until this day, Mira was convinced he was, in a sort of way, pleased with his loneliness. However, by looking through those eyes, the white haired girl told herself that this journey may allow her to see beyond appearances.

Hope you liked it!

Lily xx

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