Chara decided to show up after all the talking was over. She put me on edge. After all she did I tried to trust her but I didn't think I could. Sometimes I still have nightmares about her controlling Frisk's body and killing everyone.

But she looked horrible. Her face had tear stains and her eyes we're puffy and she was sniffling. She still had on the dress she wore last night but her hair was down and looked like she'd just come in from a tornado.

Toriel, Asriel, and Mettaton ran over to her to see if she was okay. All the rest of us could do was stare. She looked kinda zoned out too, like she wasn't really here mentally. Something was definitely off. Frisk had told me that Chara and her we're still able to communicate with each other without having to even be in the same country. With the way she looks now it only made me think of bad things. I was getting fidgety and unable to not see horrible things. What if she was being tortured or raped or what if she was dead? Oh God...

"She's not here anymore." Is all she seems to be saying. So she was dead? Oh no...I was supposed to protect her. Its my job! God damnit I can't do anything right.

After an hour of them trying to calm her down and me just sitting alone contemplating whether or not it's worth it to live in this reset. After all I did to try to make her happy and make things work between her and Asriel after her death and all I did to just be near her to see her smile I let my guard down for a small moment and now she's gone forever. And its all my fault.

Chara comes and sits down beside me, pulling me from my spiralling depression.

"She's not dead, Sans. She's... somewhere else. Somewhere with you and Paps and Flowey," She tells me.

"What?" I ask her, giving her a look of 'What the fuck?'.

"She's in like... another dimension. You didn't crack jokes and you had sharp teeth and one was gold. Your magic was red and you we're wearing red and black. Everyone was," s she explained people gathered around to listen. "Toriel wanted to kill her and use her soul to get to be queen again. Her eyes we're a deranged yellowish color and her dress was black and red and tattered. Papy still wanted to be in the royal guard and he wore black skinny jeans and his scarf was torn and he had sharp teeth. It was like you all had turned into murderous demons. The only reason she's still alive is because of the magic Alphys injected into her soul. They don't know if her soul will actually work to break the barrier. They want to destroy humanity. They want to enslave some humans and kill the rest. That version of me was enslaved. Frisk showing up there apparently brought back that version of me. She's an anomaly in their timeline. And something there is changing her."

"Changing her in what way?" I demand.

"She's...becoming hostile. And her depression is coming back. The timeline is destroying her. She attacked Paps. She threw him across the snow. Flowey is... Flowey is in tatters too. He's terrified and trying to help her stay alive." Chara explains. I look at her in shock then to Asriel who was confused. Hell everyone was confused.

Then something occurs to me. "How do you know all this?" I ask her.

She sighs and shakes her head. She seemed to be zoned off again and her eyes glow some. "If I concentrate hard enough I can project my consciousness into her body and see what she's doing or even into that dimensions Chara. After dying so much and having all the power I've had and being sent to the Void countless times you kinda learn how things work. I just don't know how or why it happened. It shouldn't be able to interfere with an existing timeline. It should only happen when two resets are made at the same time and even then it's extremely rare. Even her chances of coming back are slim to none."

"How do you know all this so well? It sounds like you've done this before." Toriel says calmly, even though there we're tears streaming down her face. Everyone was crying by now. What Chara had said was that there was pretty much no way to get Frisk back. but I wasn't going to accept that. I couldn't accept that.

"Heh, I'm not from this dimension...I'm from one much much different. One where everyone is swaped. Sans acts and dresses like Paps, Paps is making puns and jokes like Sans. Asgore is in the ruins to find you and Flowey is one of the happiest things you could see. Heh, when I ended up here I didn't know what to do. I freaked out and killed everything... it was such a mistake. But I wanted to fix it. Gaster had gotten to me though, he told me you all wanted to kill the humans, after a few resets I did too," She explains. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. I knew there was something off about her, I just didn't expect anything like this.

"How do we get her back?" I ask quietly, almost hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"I don't know if we can.. she seems to have gone to a rather hostile version of us and well...I don't know what they might do if they find out she's not from there. One of us would have to find a way into that dimension though. If you want to know how you'd have to ask Gaster because he's the one that brought me to this one."

I sigh and stand up, determination swollowing me as I make my way to the door. Gaster was going to pay. He killed her once, I won't let him take her away again.


After teleporting away from Sans and Papyrus I knew Sans would probably know where I was going so I immediately changed my mind and went to MTT Resort.

And I regretted that choice as soon as I arrived.

Mettaton was right in front of me when I got there.

"Oh, Darling! What are you? A human?" Mettaton asks me. He had four yellowish colored eyes and four arms. This was so not the Ton-Ton I knew.

"N-no..?" I say, unsure. Ton-Ton wraps one of their robotic arms around me and leads me into a room I didn't notice in the original resort. I was probably letting him lead me right to my death.

But on the other side of the door was a giant room with a stage. What did I get myself in to?

"Darling you're gonna be the Star of the Show. We just have to give you a Makeover first!" Mettaton says and takes me to a dressing room back stage. It was a whirl of makeup products and clothes before he stops. He stands me in front of a mirror and I manage to forget how to breathe. Oh my God...

I was wearing a very tight lavender body suit with a hole cut in the stomach shaped like a heart and a corset design on my back. It was very shiny leather and had some diamonds around the hem of the wrists and ankles. There we're strips missing around my legs and it was a very low V neck. It hugged my boobs in such a way that they looked bigger and squeezed my legs and waist tighter to make my butt look bigger too. Mettaton slipped some dark purple gloves onto my hands and dropped some boots with four inch heels of the same color in front of me. The gloves matched Metta's, coming to a point around my elbows and so does the boots with my knees. I slipped them on and almost fall over. Mettaton had made my hair shiny and voluminous. He'd even dyed the under layer of my hair a beautiful lavender color to match the suit. He instructs me to close my eyes and I do. I feel him dragging eyeliner across my eyes and a gloss over my lips. From all the time spent with Metta in my original timelines I knew he'd probably flip a shit if I we're to move and mess him up. He sprayed something all over me and I tense up, waiting for something pain. But none came.

I open my eyes again and see that he'd made my eyes pop. He'd used black eyeliner and drug it out it a point at the edge of where my eye socket and on the inner eye had drug it down about three centimeters to a point, shaping my eye like a cats. My lips we're a shiny red and I could smell cherry. Whatever it was that he'd sprayed on me made me sparkle in a beautiful way.

I looked nothing like myself.

I looked like a star, like someone people would love.

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