"I'm not a brat," I whined.

"Sure you aren't," Aaron said smiling wider, and my heart unfurled a little.

The bell rang, releasing us from the siffling room, and the cramped classroom, and I felt as though the entire room left out a collective sigh when it sounded.

"Thank god I never have to see another school for like three months," I said pushing back in my chair.

Aaron did the same, with an odd expression on his face. "Yeah, same."

"You alright?" I asked gently as we walked out of the room. It was my way of saying please talk to me without actually having to say it.

Aaron nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired."

I frowned.


Later, Aaron called me. It was one of our many traditions. He'd call me unprompted late at night to ask me stupid things, or ramble about things he was thinking about. I really— even if I never said— loved them.


"If you had to lose one of your senses, which would it be?"

The abrupt question wasn't unexpected, and I took it in stride. "Hmm, well definitely not sight, I would never be able to paint again."

"Or see my charming good looks."

I snorted. "Or that. Umm... probably speech. I know that's not technically a sense, but that's the one I'd lose. Just because it's probably the only one I could lose but still, ya know, function."


"What about you?"


"Yeah, what sense would you lose?"

Aaron was quiet. "Probably, touch. Just because then... I wouldn't, ya know, get hurt. Or like, feel pain."

"That's awfully morbid."

"Is it?" Aaron asked faintly.

"Just a little." I tried to change the subject. "Do want to go out tomorrow?"

"Sure, but then can we go back to your place, mine is..."

It wasn't that Aaron's parents hated me, but it was close. The first time I'd visited, his mother had sent me right back out the door, saying we don't allow any fags here, except for the ones we smoke. "Sure, see ya tomorrow."

"Alright, love you."

I was surprised Aaron said it first. Usually I had to pull it out of him by being really cute. "Love you, too." I said, before hanging up.


I was always nervous— kind, but hesitant when being faced with the start of things. Even though I was welcoming and accepting, I always held my vulnerability and chance of getting hurt close to my heart. Because of that night.

Maybe I thought that if I didn't talk about the things I loved, maybe no one would get hurt. Maybe I wouldn't get hurt. Maybe I could be stronger.


It was hot, and I was annoyed. Aaron, unlike me, had the uncanny ability to wear god knows how many layers and not sweat a thing. But with me in my brown shorts and white tank-tops, I was sweating like it was raining outside— drenched.

"Tell me seriously: are you a vampire?"

Aaron laughed, his ice cream cone dripping down his hand as we walked. "No, I mean—" He lean in close to nip at my neck, before whispering, "Or maybe you should find out."

arms: a prequel // {phan}Where stories live. Discover now