Chapter 7

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Rocky rested his wrist on my shoulder, tangling his fingers in my hair. He put a hand at my hip. My heart was beating out of chest. Oh my gosh, was he really about to kiss me? Did I really want this? He closed his eyes and leaned closer. And boom, his soft lips touched mine. I couldn't breathe, was this really happening? I-I was falling in love with someone I met days ago. His body was warm, I could feel his heartbeat, so and steady. Thump-Thump. Thump-Thump. The world seemed like it stopped. It sounds cliché, but it's true. When you have a kiss between to people who love each other, the world stops and is less important. Do I love Rocky?

"Oh. My. Gosh." a voice chuckled. Oh no. Rocky pulled away first and stared at his sister. She stood at the corner of the house, with a hand covering her smile. "What is he gonna think about this!" By 'he' I knew she meant Ross.

Ross! What have I done?! I go on this date with an amazing boy and a few days later I'm kissing his brother next to his own house. I raised my hand to Rocky's, by my neck. I placed my hand on his and pulled it away, just as he looked at me confused. I muttered a quick, "I'm sorry..." before walking away to Rydel. She looked at me and her smile faded. We both turned and went inside the house.

Did that really just happen?

When we got back to Rydel's room, I was on the verge of screaming out loud. I loved both these boys, I couldn't hurt them, so why did I just kiss one behind the others back?

"Well, okay then." Rydel sighed awkwardly as she closed her door. She turned to me with a smile on her face. "So, you wanna watch a movie? It will take your mind off....that." I didn't answer. "Sapphire, take a deep breath. Ross isn't going to find out, unless someone tells him." she offered her pinkie finger to me, "You know I won't tell, Rocky won't tell, and I don't think you will either. So this will be our dirty little secret, okay?"

I looped my pinkie around hers, "okay....I don't know why I'm upset in the first place..." I thought about it. She smiled, stood and went to get a movie from the cabinet under her TV. "You know, your a really good kisser." I laughed.

"Ewww!" She made a fake gagging noise. "I don't really want to think about if my little brothers are good kissers!" She popped a movie into the DVD player and sat on the bed with me. "This will all blow over soon, trust me."

We woke up early the next morning and headed downstairs immediately. We passed Ross and Ryland's room, the door carried a sign saying 'ROSS AND RYLAND'S ROOM. STAY OUT!' in a child hand writing. As we passed, I could hear one of them snoring. My heart was heavy. Why? Why did I still feel so bad?

I followed Rydel to the kitchen where 2 people waited for us. A wake-and-awake Mrs. Lynch, and a tired Rocky. Stormie greeted us, "hello girls! You two sleep well? You guys were up pretty late."

Rydel chuckled, "No we weren't. We just are loud people." Stormie and I chuckled. Rocky, awkwardly alone at the table, just stared at me. Oh, god, he looks upset. What did I do?!

We sat at the table, waffles on our plates. Rydel sat next to Rocky and I sat on the other side of her.

"So, Rocky, how was your sleep?" Rydel asked, I couldn't tell if she was serious or trying to tease him.

"I-I" Rocky yawned. "I didn't really sleep last night."

"Rocky! Did you pull another all-nighter?" Stormie said sternly at her son. "You're gonna turn into an insomniac if you keep doing this. I knew it was a mistake putting a TV in your room."

Rocky sighed, "I didn't do it on purpose! I just...had to much on my mind last night."

I swallowed, was he thinking about me. This breakfast is the definition of awkward.

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