Chapter 3

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As I made my way to the beach, I was lost in my thoughts. 'Riker said he was in a band with his brothers. Could Rocky and Ross be his brothers? What if there not related at all.'  

The same flock of girls that were in the hotel lobby earlier, now mobbed in front of a huge stage complex. I slid through the crowd until I was near the stage, next to the stairs that led to the backstage. I pulled out my phone to check the time: 6:40. What am I to do for 20 minutes? I don't know any of these girls and the only information I know about R5 is what Riker told me. I stared at my feet. 

Suddenly, a hand grabbed mine. It began pulling me up the stairs to the backstage. I didn't scream, I wasn't scared either. For who knows why, I felt like it was normal that a mysterious hand was pulling me away. As soon as the hand let go of me, I turned to see the owner of it. 

Riker smiled at me. "Sorry if I scared you, I just didn't want anyone to see me. And by the way, I don't think I got your name last time we met." 

"My name's Sapphire." I answered his un-asked question.  

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he smiled. I blushed. He took my hand once more and guided me to a room nearby. Before we went through the door-less doorway, I heard a girl yell "GUYS THATS SO GROSS!!!" followed by a chorus of boys laughing. 

The room we entered was small. A black couch sat in the center, the far wall was covered in mirrors with desks in front of them, there was also a door to a bathroom that a boy was exiting. 

"Hey everyone!" Riker anounced. "I brought someone you should meet." Riker put a hand on my far shoulder then gestured to the boy who just left the bathroom. "Thats Ellington Ratliff. Hes not part of the family, but he might as well be."  

Ratliff waved to me. His dark hair barely hung over his dark caramel eyes. He was shorter than Riker but still much taller than me. His face was also slightly rounder than everyone elses. 

"Over there, is my little sister, Rydel." Riker pointed to the girl by the mirrors. She had to be the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She walked to me. Her shineing, freshly-trimmed, bleach blonde hair hung just below her shoulders. Her eyes shown like chocolate diamonds in her flawless face. She greeted me with a hug and said "Finally! Another girl! I'm starting to lose my mind with all these boys!" 

Riker chuckled, then continued, "On the couch is my little brother Ross and next to him is Rocky." my breath hitched. Ross was smiling at me, looking confused. Rocky had already stood and pushed up his sleeve that had fallen. He looked insanly confused. 

"Everyone, this is Sapphire. I met her when I ran into her on the street." Riker finished. 

"Littarly....." I whispered.  

Rocky cleared his throat. " having the worst deja-vu right now..." 

"Hey, who's this?" a voice behind me asked. Rikers hand still being on my shoulder stopped me from jumping. I turned to see who the voice belonged to. 

He was a younger boy, but with the same puppy dog brown eyes as the Lynches. He was carrying 2 guitars, he had a backwards baseball cap on too. He handed the light green guitar to Rocky and the black one to Ross. On the body of Ross' guitar, was a sticker with a pink 'R5' shaped into a heart. 

"Thats Sapphire Bold, Ryland. Sapphire, this is my younger brother, Ryland." Ross said without looking up from strumming his guitar. I was shocked Ross remembered my last name. I shook Rylands extended hand. 

"Okay, you guys gotta go perform!" Ryland clapped his hands. The band did a quick huddle, as me and Ryland watched. Riker was saying something like, "okay we're gonna do great! Don't forget your lyrics!" after the pep talk they put their hands together and chanted '1...2...3..READY SET ROCK!!!'

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