Chapter 73

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Chapter 73
It was Monday, mail day. Patrick was soundly trying to sleep so I thought it would be the best time to go into the village.
Patrick hadn't been out of his room in a month. The only time was when I would help him to the bathroom so he could wash himself.
It was like four years never happened. We were back to the first year.
As I walked into the post office I felt the warmth of the heater. Autumn was coming faster than I had hoped.
Cynthia Wall gave me a warm smile as I headed towards her.
"Hello Charlie, just the normal?" She asked.
I nodded.
As she knelt down to pick up the letters she said, "I heard about Rose. How's the Lord doing?"
I shrugged, "worse than when the family died?"
She shook her head and handed me three letters.
"That must have been hard, for both of you."
I dropped my head feeling guilty. Should have been there?
"Oh and Alice Daniel is coming back to town."
I frowned.
"Alice, Alice Daniel," I couldn't hide my surprised.
"Yes, I heard she moved to Paris. Married a nice man,"
I felt my heart drop.
"That's good, I'm glad," I said forcing a smile.
"Yes, last I heard he died of cancer a couple of years ago. So she's coming back here."
"Oh," I said flipping through the letters. She's coming back, she's –
I stopped as I looked at a letter not a bill. I recognized Rose's hand writing and frowned.
"Something wrong?" Cynthia asked.
I looked up and again forced a smile, "yes, everything's fine."

Back at the house, I quickly checked on Patrick then made my way back to my office.
I tore open the letter and looked at the piece of paper.

To Jenson
How is everyone?
I hope everything is okay.
America is the same as always. Loud, busy and not Pinecone Manner. I'm staying at a motel, it's not Pinecone Manner.
My father died two weeks ago in his sleep. I was there to say goodbye.
I started working at a pub not far from where I live. It's not good money, but it will do.
I miss you and your advice and Curious. And of course you know who I miss the most.
You once told me that it was easier than you think to leave Alice, but I don't think so. Leaving Pinecone Manner was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and some days it's hard to get out of bed. Now I know how Patrick felt.

I'll say.

Look I liked to write and write about things but I can't hold you up. I love you all.

I dropped the piece of paper and cupped my hands over my face. My breathing had come uneven and my heart started to race.
She's gotten a job, seen her father and didn't mention the gentleman from before. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? She didn't say anything about how to contact her or if she was happy.
Oh God. This is what parents must feel when their child is across the world and there's no way of contacting them. Or when they've run away and you don't know where they are. It's like a pain that will never go away. The worry will always be at the back of your mind not matter how many times you tell yourself they're okay.
Through my hands, I muttered to myself, "oh God Rose, please come home."

Chapter 74
Twisting and turning. Rustling and cracking.
Rose, Rose.
Patrick's voice ran through my head likes it been for days.
"Now can I have my iPod back?"
"Come here and get it."
"Seriously you're going to –, is this doing something for you?"
"I don't know."
"Come on, Patrick. It's not funny,"
"I disagree,"
"Fine you keep it."
"Take it, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"
"You made it easy for me,"
"You were going to give up. Do you always give up when things get hard?"
"Only when things aren't worth fighting for."
"Than what's worth fighting for?"
I turned again feeling the sheet get tangled around my feet.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"What does it look like?"
"I said nobody was to touch the curtains, not even Jenson!"
"How do you expect me to work when I can't see what I'm doing?"
"You can see fine, now come down,"
"I don't think so. You might have a lot of money, live in a huge house, have a butler. But you can't control me. You know why?"
"Because you're an American,"
"What, no,"
"Why can't I control you?"
"Because I have rights!"
"Not in this house. Now come down, Jenson, may you please tell Miss Rose to stop touching the curtains and come down from the ladler?"
"Rich Kid."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I might be a head strong American. But you're an English Rich Kid."
"I'm not English, I'm British,"
"I'm pretty sure it's English."
"I think I would know."
"You would think."
I started to giggle at that memory. God how long ago that was.
"That hurts!"
"Well if you stopped moving, maybe it wouldn't?"
"It tickles. Thanks for telling me about the wolves by the way,"
"How the hell would I know that you were going to go in the woods? And any smart person would know about wolves."
"I'm not from here Patrick, there's no wolves where I come from,"
"And where's that?"
"New York. It was at least. I don't belong anywhere anymore."
"Yes you do. This will be your home till you wish it not to be. So why did you leave?"
"Everybody knew my story. I needed a fresh start. What better way to do that than to do it in a different country?"
"How long since you left America?"
"A year. I've been finding work as a cleaner. One day a week job. But none ever fit. Do you know what it feels like to have your whole world know almost everything about you, without them actually knowing you?"
"Why do you think I keep the curtains closed?"
"You're alone aren't you?"
"Something horrible happened to you, didn't it?"
"Yes, and I'll never forget it."
I sat on my elbows and that memory. Now he's alone again.

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