Chapter 56

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Chapter 56
"Jenson! We're home!" I called as we struggled through the door with shopping bags. The girls decided it would be easier to leave them at the mansion seeing that they were going to get ready here too.
Nobody had spoken about last night on the train. Rose was exhausted and had fallen asleep on my shoulder the whole way back. Zoey looked horrible. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying and her face was pale. It hadn't occurred to me that I hadn't seen her without make up on since she was twelve. Kate kept asking questions like, "what happened to you last night, Zoey?" and, "Patrick why did you make us leave?" but I would look at her and she would stay quiet.
Before Jenson came up to meet us, I turned to Rose, placing my hands on her shoulders, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Patrick. Like I said at the motel, I'm fine."
I would have believed her if her eyes weren't still puffy from last night.
"So you survived it then?" Jenson called coming out of the hall.
I smiled trying to hide my worrying about Rose.
"Yes, back in one piece," I said.
"Did you find a dress, Rose?" Jenson asked. Rose stared blankly at a spot on the floor, oblivious to us.
"Rose?" Jenson said again making her head turn.
"Sorry, yes I did."
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Her eyes landed on mine and then back on his.
"I'm fine, it was a long trip."
"Rose, how about you go lie down? I can put these away," I offered hoping she wouldn't argue. She nodded and headed up the stairs. My eyes were locked on her zombie like body till she disappeared down the hall.
I started to pick up the bags.
"Is she okay?" Jenson asked.
"I'm worried about her," I admitted.
"What happened?"
I sighed. How much of the story should I tell?
"She just remembered something from her past that she would rather forget," I stated. He seemed happy with that.
"Don't we all at some point in our lives?"
"Her past isn't as wonderful as you might think."
"You mean the strange man."
I froze and frowned, "How did you know?"
"Nothing is a secret in this house Patrick. And no, I don't think of Rose differently. She's been burnt several times but the difference between her and most is that she changed. She's in a relationship with a person that she truly loves and she doesn't parade her body around like an object," I half laughed remembering the day I first saw her. I remembered the tiny demin shorts and tight black singlet.
"And that's all because of you Patrick. It's all because of you."

After Patrick and I were done with work on the estate, I left him in his office. Curious ran beside me as I walked around the void. The house had been quiet when they had gone to London. I could get a lot of my work done without worrying about Rose or Patrick or both. But now all I did was worry.
Patrick was in the East Wing, working on his family investigation and Rose was in the West Wing still asleep.
Curious grumbled as if he knew what I was deciding to do. I sighed giving in. I walked up the stairs to the West Wing.
Rose lied asleep, swallowed by blankets. I brushed the hair away from her face and looked upon her beauty.
I had always wanted a daughter. I remembered growing up, my father had always said that sons were the thing that you wanted. Strong boys he had said. But I wanted a daughter. Someone that would resemble my wife but would have my mind and humour. Someone I would protect and teach all there is to know about the world.
I had never really gotten along with my father. I wanted to make something of myself but he saw me taking over the farm. I could never forget the hurt in his eyes when I told him I had taken a job as a footman here. Then I had worked hard to the top of my career and became the butler. But I came someone different when the family died. I became a...
"Dad," she groaned. I jumped at the feel of her hand taking mine.
"I'm here Rose, I'm here," I told her, "I won't leave you. I won't leave either of you."

Rose and the Thorn (Fallen Tales series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant