Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
I woke up before Rose did. She had been so exhausted that she pretty much blacked out when she stopped crying. It must be so hard for her. I knew my parents loved and cared for me till the day they died. But Rose was stuck knowing that her father didn't know who she was and probably never would.
I hugged her tight wanting to feel her warmth.
But everything shot to hell when I heard my bed room door open. I turned to look at a surprisingly calm Jenson. He lifted his finger as if saying one more minute and shut the door.
"Damn it," I muttered leaving the safety of the bed, I found some grey sweat pants and moved to the hall.
"Sir," he said as if we were just passing in the halls. We stood in silence thinking about what to say. Did he want me to start?
"You've known for a while, haven't you?"
"Since that morning I asked you where Rose was."
I smiled remembering that morning.
"How?" I asked.
He smiled as if proud, "you two are horrible liars."
That time I did laugh.
"She makes you happy."
It wasn't a question.
"She really does."
It felt strange to have a smile on my face in front of Jenson. Not when I've spent so long in misery.
"Well then it's not my place to commit."
"Just tell me when you two are spending the night together, so I don't interrupt anything."
I almost tripped at his words. That would be one of the worst things on earth to happen.
"Of course."
"And you take this," he handed me the tray, "And tell Rose that she has to start in an hour and that I've made her breakfast." I nodded trying to repeat what he had said in my head.
"I'll leave you in peace," he said heading towards the stairs. I sighed feeling overwhelmed.
I opened the door to see Rose still asleep. I placed the tray on my desk and rolled into bed next to her. I kissed her nose and she moaned.
"What time is it?" she asked.
"You have an hour before you have to start," I asked. She sighed opening her eyes. Her cheeks were still puffy from crying last night. I rubbed my thumb under her eyes.
"I looked like a mess, don't I?" she asked.
She laughed but I was being serious. She was beautiful crying, laughing, in rags or in a fancy gown.
"I never meant to upset you last night," I said feeling horrible for making her cry.
"You didn't, trust me," she said moving up onto her elbows, "it's something I've been dealing with for a while."
"But you shouldn't have to."
"We're really going to do this again?" she asked. I shrugged making her groan. She shifted out from under the covers. I lied back and watched her with a careful eye. She laughed as she thought I was just admiring her body. I was but that wasn't the point. When she had finally found all her clothes she joined me in the bed. I locked her lips onto mine barely letting go when I had to.
"I would say I hope you had a great night but, well, you know," I said running my fingers through her hair.
"Well the night started out okay," I matched her cheeky grin with a long hard kiss.
"Mmm, okay I have to go before Jenson comes,"
"Yeah about that –."
"See you later," she butted in before I could tell her about Jenson and left. I groaned flopping on my back. This was going to be fun.

I swept the void with Patrick watching me like a hawk from the gallery. I guess he was worried about me. When I had looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't recognize myself. Puffy cheeks, messy hair, tinge of red in my eyes. How long had I cried last night?
I don't remember stopping. One minute I was balling in Patrick's arms, the next everything was black.
Curious came barking down the hall that led to the Servant's Hall.
"Curious, how did you get out?" I whined. I was too tired to deal with Harry Houdini.
"Sit," I ordered. I was surprised that he did what I asked, "stay."
He tilted his head as if saying why Rose why, why are you doing this to me.
I sighed feeling my head about to explode. I rubbed my temple feeling the smoothing motion help. Come on Panadol, kick in already.
"Rose, everything okay?" Patrick asked. I looked to see his body leaning on the wooden railing.
"Yep," I had to yell.
"Take a break," he told me.
"I can't do that, Patrick. You just can't stop doing your job when you're having an off day."
"Why not?"
I sighed, "Because you just can't. You're not paying me to sleep around."
I realized what that sounded like.
"That totally wasn't what I meant."
He shrugged as if he hadn't been affected by it.
"Rose!" I turned at Jenson's voice as he walked down the hall.
"Someone named Zoey is calling for you."
"What?" I asked confused.
"Must I always repeat everything to you, a girl called Zoey is calling for you?" When I didn't responded he sighed, "Down stairs, in my office there is a phone. A girl called Zoey has asked for you."
My eyes widen as I paced towards the Servant's Hall. I quickly made my way down the stairs and up the hall to Jenson's office. I held the phone to my ear.
"What took you so long?"
I immediately recognized Zoey's voice on the other end.
"Sorry, it's a big house."
"Don't worry about that now, what are you doing this afternoon?" she asked.
I sighed, "Cleaning the back porch, why?"
"Take a break."
I groaned, "You sound like Patrick."
I had to admit that it was nice to have someone I could say things like that to without people asking questions.
"Well you are sleeping with him."
My head shot up like a meerkat at her words. I prayed that Jenson was nowhere near here.
"So what do you want?" I asked moving the conversation.
"Oh right, me and the girls are going for coffee, I thought you should come."
I felt an unfamiliar feeling of happiness. Was I finally being accepted in a friends group?
"As much as nice that sounds, I don't think so," I said.
"Are you still pissed about the other night because Tommy won't be around?"
I sighed, "It's not that, really. I don't think I'll be allowed."
"It's like you're at a boarding school."
"Yes and if I'm not home by nine the headmaster will spank me," I whispered the last bit holding back giggles.
"Nice, okay well we're going at four if you can come."
"Okay, bye," I hung up feeling worse than before. I sat on the desk with my head in my hands.
"You should go," I jumped at the sound of Patrick's voice. I lifted to see him standing in the door way.
"I can't."
He moved over to me taking my hands in his.
"You can. Just make up the hour tomorrow."
I looked up at him, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I think an afternoon with some friends might do you good."
I smiled as he brought his lips to mine. I then wrapped my arms around him feeling his warmth.
"And if you're not home by nine, I will spank you."
Giggles escaped from my lips as he started to tickle me again. I squirmed to get away from him but his grip was too tight.
"Patrick!" I squealed. I was amazed when he stopped.
"You really love doing that to me, don't you?" I asked trying to catch my breath.
"Anything to make you smile beautiful," a smile spread across his face.
"Well if you want to make me smile, just show me something amazing."

"So what's it like working in the mansion?" Jane asked as we sat in the café in the village. Its large front windows made the whole cafe light up.
We sat at a round table by the window so anyone who walked by could spot me and think she's the girl that works for the murderer.
"Fine. It keeps me busy which is a good thing," Zoey looked at me as saying something else keeps you busy making me want to giggle, "but it's nice."
"I heard that he kept all the curtains closed, is it true?" Kate asked.
"He did, he doesn't anymore."
"Why not?" I paused. Because I pushed him to. Because he did it for me. Because he wanted to.
"I don't know."
"What's he like?" Jane asked leaning forward on the table like an eager teenager.
"He's fine, keeps to himself mainly."
"I guess it's hard for him. Living in the house you're whole family was killed in," I felt my whole colour fade from my face as Jane spoke. It must be horrible.
"What was it like growing up in America?" I was so thankful for Zoey.
"Wait Zo, don't change the subject just because you're uncomfortable,"
My whole body tensed.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm not uncomfortable," Zoey said defensive.
"Oh come on Zo," Jane said.
"Zoey, what's she talking about?" I asked
"It's everything," my eyes flicked between the two, "before Patrick locked himself away. Zoey and he were love buddies."
I couldn't help but feel a sting of betrayal.
"I swear, Rose it was nothing like that," Zoey told me.
"Then what is it like?" I snapped. I couldn't pretend that this wasn't a slap in the face.
"One night there was a party at the tavern and both Patrick and I were drunk. But we only made out that's all."
"Am I missing something?" Kate piped up making us all go silent. So I had finally found this amazing guy and now I found out that someone else also thought he was amazing.
"Rose," Jane's voice was cautious.
I sighed, "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Zoey asked.
"Yeah if you have a problem with Zoey going after your boss than you should talk to Sophie."
The name echoed in my head.
"Sophie, as in Patrick's ex-girlfriend?" I asked.
"Jane, why are you doing this?" Zoey asked but Jane just shrugged her off.
"The love of his life."
"Wait, you guys knew her?" I asked looking at the three of them.
"Of course," Kate said.
"What was she liked?"
I had never been a jealous person but I was burning with jealously now.
"She was the biggest snob ever. Turned her nose up at anything that wasn't 'prober'. But Patrick idolized her."
If Patrick liked snobby rich girls, then what the hell did he see in me? A fun time?
"I wouldn't worry about it, Rose," Zoey said to comfort me.
"What's going on?" Jane asked.
I groaned in frustration dropping my head in my hands.
"What's wrong with her?" Kate whispered to Zoey.
"Just leave it."
I was sitting with two complete strangers and someone that could be called a friend. My head still pounded like a drum and my heart still strung with betrayal.
Zoey quickly changed the subject to something else knowing that talking about Patrick's fancy past frustrated me. It was easier to see him as the damaged man I knew than the crazy teenager he was. Was that also how he saw me? Was it easier to see me as the stubborn American than the party alcoholic girl?

Rose and the Thorn (Fallen Tales series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon