Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
I had never slept so well in my life. We went on for what seemed like hours. Till finally we couldn't go on any longer and she fell asleep in my arms.
But now nothing weighed on my arm and I heard the rustling of carpet. My eyes flicked opened and I saw Rose moving around the room, picking up her clothes.
"What are you doing?" I moaned still half asleep.
"I'm getting dressed. I have to leave."
I felt a sting in my chest, "Why?"
She stopped to look at me. My eyes wondered her body. She hadn't found her shirt yet.
"So are you going to explain to Jenson why I'm in Sir Patrick's room?" she asked.
She had a point.
"You have a point."
She patted her body as if she was trying to remember something, "I had a shirt."
I pointed by the window. She followed my gaze and made an O sound as she picked it up. She quickly pulled it on and picked up her jumper.
I realized that Jenson couldn't see my clothes on the floor.
"Ah, Rose, can you past me my clothes."
She looked around for them, as a grin spread on her face. I thought she would be nice and give them to me, but instead she stood far away with the clothes in her hands.
With a cheeky grin she said, "Come here and get them."
I sighed. I had no shame and after last night, why would I. I climbed out from under covers surprising her. I saw her eyes wonder my body and I felt the need to be in her again. I took my jeans and pulled them on then took the shirt but left it unbutton. I through the rest of the clothes on my bed and took Rose in my arms. Her lips tasted better than I remembered.
"Last night was amazing," she said with the biggest smile.
"I know. How will we be able to stay away from each other, now?" I asked not even considering the option. After last night, I couldn't take another.
"I guess there's no point trying."
"I guess not."
She giggled making my lips lock onto hers.
She groaned in frustration, "I have to go. Jenson gets up in an hour and Curious will probably be worrying about me."
I laughed, "Yes, dogs, they rule your life, don't they?"
Her giggle filled my ears, "Okay, if I don't leave now, I'll never leave."
I wouldn't hate the idea. She pulled away and I finally found the will to let go. She turned back to me for one last look and sighed. When she left, it was like something apart of me left with her. Something I didn't know and only I could found out.

"How did you sleep, Sir?" Jenson asked like he always did when he brought my breakfast. How to put the best night I've ever had into words.
"It was fine."
He took his place in the corner of the room.
"No nightmares?" He asked.
I shook my head, "none at all."
I bit the toast.
"Sir, this might be inappropriate to ask but, do you know where Rose was last night?" He asked.
I shoved the piece of toast in my mouth so that I would have time to think before I answered.
"No, why?" I asked.
"No reason, it's just she wasn't at dinner and I could hear Curious whining and he only does that when he's alone. So clearly she hadn't gone to bed."
I took another piece of toast.
"Maybe you should ask her," I suggested.
He nodded as if he was taking my advice on board.
"I placed your jumpers in the drier Sir. The ones you left on the floor of the void, Sir."
I froze.
"Oh, yeah sorry about that."
"Its fine, Sir. Just let me know when you are that cold that you need two jumpers to go outside. I will take the winter coats out from storage."
I nodded, "sure."
"Is that all, Sir?" He asked.
I quickly nodded, "yes, thank you."
My mind was someplace else. Last night. With my hands all over Rose's body. Her hair in my face. And her scent still lingered on my skin.
How will I be able to stop myself from touching her when I see her today? How will we keep up the act when Jenson was on our tails already? How will I ever get use to this new way of life?

I found Jenson in the kitchen when I had come down for lunch. I had been avoiding him. As well as Patrick. And I couldn't seem to shake the feeling that Curious could smell Patrick on me. I didn't know why I was so worried about people finding out. Was it because I knew what they would think of me? That I was a gold digger sleeping with Patrick for his money. Because I would sleep with Patrick just to sleep with Patrick.
With every other guy it had been, sometimes, a waste of time. Like, that's half-n-hour-I'm-never-going-to-get-back type thing. Or I'm drunk and I think everything is great at the time. Sometimes with a guy that knows what he's doing it's liveable. But Patrick...there's no words to explain. He's safe, he knows what he wants and goes for it, he not aggressive and touches my body in the way that made my knees go weak just thinking about it.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost ran into the wall. Jenson frowned watching me.
"Is everything okay, Rose?" he asked.
I nervously smiled, "I'm fine, every things fine."
I heard a whine as Curious found his way to my feet.
"You seem to have a lot on your mind that's all," he stated.
"I do. What to clean next, that's all. Wow, is it hot in here?" I asked feeling flushed.
"The heat might be up too high. I'll go check," he said standing. I nodded feeling that I might be able to get my thoughts in order with him out of the room.
I groaned feeling annoyed with myself.
As I made myself a sandwich one thought floated through my mind. You just couldn't help yourself, could you Rose?
Curious grumbled at me as if trying to say Rose I can smell Patrick on you.
"Don't you say anything?"
He grumbled as if answering.
I had eaten half of my sandwich when Jenson came back in.
"I've turn it down, so it shouldn't be too hot for you."
I nodded. The house had two heaters. One down here and one for upstairs. I couldn't believe how warm the house got some times when it was below zero outside.
"So where were you last night?"
I froze. I chewed slower giving me time to think of an answer.
"What do you mean?" I asked. What did he know?
"Well I know you didn't sleep in your room, so where were you?" he asked again.
I said the first thing that came into my brain, "I was at the tavern."
"Even after what happened last time?" he asked.
Damn it. I forgot about that.
"Yeah, I thought I would give it a second chance."
"I suppose so, it's always better the second time, right?" he asked.
"Sure," I said unsure.
"You know, you're less nervous, you know your way around."
I couldn't shake the feeling that he talking about something else. Sex?
"So did you have fun?"
My eyes went wide with horror. He's just asking if you had fun at the tavern. He doesn't actually know. Don't give him a reason to question.
"Um better than I thought," I admitted freely.
"Yes well it always is when you're with the right people."
My heart started to race. Could he know? There's no way he knows for sure. He's guessing.
"Or drunk?" I said.
He chuckled, "That to."

Rose and the Thorn (Fallen Tales series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα