Step 19: "Forget."

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"I get this small burning in my chest sometimes,
And I can feel it start to take over my body in
Waves it's like my blood decided to become the
Ocean and drown me. Sounds silly I guess."

Evans POV:

These people were strange. They were built like statues and the man with the bright hair reminded me of someone I just couldn't remember. That's the funny thing as I didn't remember anything it was all black like it was before the ashes came to tickle my face and awaken me to a more of a gray than black colored room. And everything in it was burned. Piles of ash and burnt pieces of metal that had deformed from some heat surrounded me.

A liquid then began to sort from the black ceiling like the waves I was constantly surrounded by only this made a sound. Something other than my scratchy voice that screamed hello into the darkness was audible.

My feet took steps onto the ground that was solid and didn't force me to float on my back in the darkness. It was quiet until another noise came into my range of hearing. People appeared. A man on olive skin tone had rushed to me first hand and made an attempt to touch me which I quickly moved away from. I didn't like to be touched.

"Who are you?"

"Evie!" Evan kept walking believing the person behind her wasn't talking to her. She heard the footsteps and how they slowed down as they neared her. An arm grabbed her spinning her around, she took a defensive stance. Looking at the golden eyed boy.

"Oh, um Garson...... Gabriel...... Garroway... Garret! Yeah um what's up I guess?" Evan felt uneasy in this persons presence. Seeing all these faces lately had given her anixety she was a very closed person, an introvert so to speak and all these people who knew her, yet she didn't recognize at all were beginning to overwhelm her.

"Garroway?" The blonde boys eyebrows raised in confusion, "Come on Ev stop playing around. You know you never told me you woke up, matter of fact no one told me." The boy continued to talk looking more and more hurt each minute.

"I'm sorry I really don't know who you are. I thought you were Garret because he introduced himself to me a couple minutes ago and you have the same eyes," Evan replied looking straight at him. "I would say sorry, but I just don't know you."

Evan walked away leaving the boy alone, or so she thought. "Hey wait up!"

"I'm sorry I just thought you'd see me as familiar," the blonde boy continued to babble on. Evan just wanted him to get to the point. "I'm Hezekiah, but I'm sure I'd let you call me Hez. " The boy grabbed her hand. "And Evie I, a new friend, would like to show you something. "


People he was showing her people. A room lined with a vast majority of men with a few females mixed in. "Now these people are your friends your partners in crime your leader, your co-commanders. These are the people who when it comes down to it will lay their lives down for you in order to risk their own future to allow you yours." Hezekiahs voice echoed throughout the empty hall as the top army tanks stood watching the girl who no longer recognized them or remembered the moments they had all shared together.

"Garroway," Garroway Creighton, can up first in all his glory quickly doing a back pat to his relative and walking back to the large group of golden eyed individuals. Evan mentally labeled them. Golden eyes= a Creighton bloodliner.

"Alright Creighton please step away from Evangeline, I'm the one here who know her best. There's maybe three people who know her better than I, ones dead, ones in a different dimension and another I'm too lazy to freaking look for at the moment has probably played his legendary disappearing act. Haha, yeah shut the fuck up stop laughing." Caines demeanor grew cold fast. She was in one of her moods and that was very very bad.

19 Steps: to Destroying a Ginger ~Book 3 of the Unmarked~Where stories live. Discover now