Step 7: Bonus Short POV: Judathias

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"I guess you could call me and her,
a classic "Once Upon A Time."

Judah's POV:

Judah was nearly comatose when his phone rang late in the afternoon. He fumbled around for his phone before finding it near his right leg. Not looking at the screen because the brightness would hurt his eyes. He mumbled into the device, "-Ello?" The swearing of Hezekiah Creighton and Iker Argys came through the line.

Judah had no care for what he was saying until he heard Evans name, causing him to bounce up at the speed of light. He listened in closely, before breathing in deeply and rushing out of bed. He rushed to Hezekiah, " I'll get us to Cavalmet in a minute. Meet at Evans place." Judah replied and shrugged on his old shadow hunter gear that he had tailored every once in a while, grabbing his daggers and slipping them on his back.

Judah retouched his phone calling a number he usually wouldn't unless necessary. "Yeah, Garroway?"


"I need that eldest Allenblood boy of yours to do me a favor."

What Judah didn't expect was for at least 15 people to portal outside of Evans loft. He nodded to the kids, noticing the lack of females. Noticing their marks of Dara he kneeled in respect before turning around and leading them upstairs.

He pounded on the door pushing Iker out of the way when he finally took his lovely time to open the wooden thing. Judah having no sense grabbed the two boys who looked closest to Evans description of Caine. "Now which one of you is the eldest?" One of them rolled his eyes before pushing the other forward.

"Leo, stop being such a pussy, and help the lad find our lovely sister. " the other said, to this apparently named "Leo." The other boy sent a glare to his now smirking twin before lending out a hand.

"Leo Cavallio-Allenblood, and you are?"

"Judah fucking Alhaev, and I'm not here for your sister mate. I'm here for my fiancé," the crowd got silent before a blonde girl looked him up and down before recognition launched.

"Well well looks like little Jude's is alive after all, I knew Ev wasn't as insane as she looked. And don't you mean EX-fiancé?" Judah looked at the girl in anger recognizing her voice.

"Charlotte." The glare smirked in response before cuddling up by her boyfriend.  Hezekiah groaned out loud before marching over fuming.

"Angels, Raziel! Could this go any slower?!?" He groaned, seeing as the time had passed a good 4 hours before Evans  disappearance and the sun would set soon.  Hezekiah took matters into his own hands, as he smacked a hand of each of the Allenblood twins on the same mirror, still in Evans blood.  The mirror began to glow green slightly at just the touch of their hands, remnants of green dust traced throughout Evans blood.  Hezekiah practically growled, "Say it. "

"And the two-one-two could lead the way......" Everyone else in the room who was now familiar with this rhyme ended the saying with them, in whisper to themselves.

"Home. "

The water dripped down out of Judah's hair as he came out of the portal first, he wrung out his stuff waiting for the others, who'd  been more cautious.

Judah began to walk away when his muscles tensed at the sound of Lottie's tsking noises. "Always trying to play hero I see, skinny boy. " Judah clenched in his hands hard, his knuckles turning white against his already slightly pale skin.

"You really don't know do you?" She sounded curious, seeing as though this wasn't only to her amusement anymore.

"What." He spat out harshly at the curly blonde girl with hazel eyes. She shook her head, tsking again.

"You realize the guy you called was a Creighton. And wherever a member of that family goes many others follow, or did you forget they reign in Italy?" Judah shrugged, not seeing the point, eager to finish this.

"Whoever a Creighton goes, a King follows. You don't sense it does you? You're that rusty to realize it." Hezekiah was now watching them with interest, his eyebrows wrinkled. Judah turned around at her, questioning.

"Aisling's here. And so is her whole bloodline." Hezekiah was confused, but Judah had tensed up as though he was frozen solid. Lottie spoke, a smirk on her face of course.

"Make sure you say hi to Heath for me," Lottie finished, just before the loud music entered all their sensitive ears. "And both of you know he loves a good party."

Short chapter 775 words.

Next January 25th 2016, 💛

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