Step 12: "Temporary."

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"Some of us don't deserve to rise, sometimes
You must be acknowledged only on Dias De Los
Muertos, otherwise fuck it. "
-Nolan Whitesar.

Evan POV:

Evan sat down in a lounge chair as she review videos of the latest advancements in fighting when she felt it, a shake in the portal outside. It again shook violently, and she saw people's head pop out of castle Windows and out of the gardens looking at it in confusion. The portal closed itself into a tiny black dot. Shutting down, she quickly called all people to take shelter and all people fully trained to stay on castle grounds.

A piece of black ash was on the ground where the portal was located, "magic maybe?" Caine suggested as she played with the dust through her fingers. Evan watched it sprinkle to the ground, studying as it seemed like their was less dust than before.

"Step away from the dust guys," she warned them, everyone looked at her curiously missing the harm in it.
"You don't understand look closely at it. It's not ash, it's dust. " She put emphasis on the word hoping people would connect the dots, Charlotte and Caine stepped away the quickest understand her wording. "The dust we use to make portals is green. They shut down the portal in order to make a new one." As she finished talking the ground shook again and the sky began to rain furiously

"Lock down the castle," Caine yelled as small black dots are are forming all around the area, "they're coming! And they've brought everything they've got!"

The 10 quickly split up finding their factions who they taught, Evan ended up closet to the portal. She have the quickest pep talk in history. "Brothers till the end, RUN!" She shouted backing farther away from the portal until the first smoke tendril rolled out. Along with it came a leg, and then another, and another.

"That's definitely not human..."

Evan stood in the fields in the cornrows, searching for the underground. Many of the creatures were still coming through the portal, yet no one knew how it opened or how they could close it. Caine was sweating as she had bought them all time and saved many citizens from being captured or even dying.

She breathed deeply try to catch her breath, "I... Don't.... Know... How....Much..." She spasmed out before she finally was given a bottle of water from the underground storage. They had strategically placed this bunker. Evan nodded before looking outside.

"Well what if you didn't have to," Ev questioned to herself looking at the map. Caine looked at the map quickly understanding.

"If we take that hall down we'll end up right over a passageway from the castle," She smiled her eyes brightening. "I bet if I took a group we could go, yet some of you would need to take citizens here so they have safety in the castle or make sure they're all underground somehow." Caine turned her head and looked around the room. "We also need some help." Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"The way the bunker was built was in order to have no way of leaving except the entrance. There's no way we'd get through the rock alone." Many cursed and people groaned.

"What're we going to do?" Nevada asked. Caine looked at Evan pleadingly, Ev sighed then nodded all the while itching a spot on her back.

"I've got someone to call." Caine said, pulling out her phone. And pressing a couple numbers, Evan nodded to her to put it on speaker.

19 Steps: to Destroying a Ginger ~Book 3 of the Unmarked~Where stories live. Discover now