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 I lie in bed not in the mood of doing anything. I wipe my tears away as someone comes in. "It's just me," Hasna says closing the door. "How you holding up?" She asks. I don't respond. "I'm still trying to get over it but it's hard," I say hugging my pillow. I almost called him, but couldn't get myself to press the talk button. "You love him, so of course it's hard to get over it," she says. "I miss him," I tell her. She pulls me into a hug and my tears just pour out.

"Zaria, we are going to get caramel apple you want one," Jamal says walking in. "What's wrong?" He asks looking concerned. "Nothing," I say sitting up. He sits beside me. "Z, you can tell me," he says. "I'm fine," I mumble getting up "I'll come with you guys to get the apples," I tell him. "Ok," he mumbles walking out.I grab my shoes. Hasna comes along as well. "Hasna why don't you ever go home? " Jamal asks as we get on the car. "Leave her alone," Amir says driving. "I'm not here for you... I'm here for Zari," she says. I stare out the window. "Z, you've been quiet ever since you came home. Is everything with you and Xavier ok?" Amir asks. I don't speak, I take a deep breath.

"Z, You can tell us," Amir says. "I don't want to to talk about it," I bite my lip and take a deep breath. We get back to the house and watch TV. I open a canned fruit and sit on the sofa crisscrossed, that was the most comfortable position to sit in. "I have to go," Hasna says getting up. "Salaam," I say. "Salaam," she replies. "You guys don't do anything but sit around," my mom says. We all look up at her. "Normal kids would be out in the world enjoying their self," she adds. "We are enjoying ourself with the TV," Jamal says. "Ok, enjoy," she says walking back out the living room.

At night I lie around by myself. I stare at my phone and try to decide whether to call Xavier or not. My finger accidentally touches the talk button. My entire body freezes. "Salaamu alaykum," I hear but I was unable to speak. "Zaria?" He asks. Tears flow from my eyes. "I'm here," I mumble. "I miss you," I tell him wiping away my tears. "I miss you too," he says. "I'm really sorry about everything and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you," he says. I sit there unsure what to say. "I would never cheat on you," he says. "I want to come back," I tell him. "Please do," he says. I smile. "I need you in my life," he says.

I ask him to explain what really happened in Europe. He explains that they were on tour and bumped into Arisha there. She really wanted a picture and he doesn't know what she was talking about in the picture. He asked her to take it down but she didn't listen to him. That sounded like something Arisha would do. Everything has to go her way. Also the fact that he didn't answer my calls was because he had to practice daily and they had a few matches. Also when they were on tour they had to turn off their phones. Once he got to the hotel he was exhausted so he didn't bother checking his phone

I get there the next day. I knock on the door. Xavier opens the door and gives me a hug. "I missed you," he says. "I missed you too," I mumble. He looks at me "I love you... and I promise I won't do anything to hurt you again," he says. "I love you too," I say. A smile forms on his face. This was the first time I told him I loved him. He finally lets me in.

We sit there not really talking but enjoying each others present. "I'm never letting you go," he says pulling me into a hug. I smile. "Is it too late now to say sorry, cause I'm missing more than your body," he sings. I look up at him and laugh. "You are goofy," I say. "I fell in love with a beautiful girl and she still takes my breathe away," he sings (I love you by Alex & Sierra). I stare at him and he smiles "I'll stop," he says. "Why do you have some much talents?" I question sitting up and facing him. He stares at me confused. "Soccer,singing, playing the guitar, um... other stuff," I say. "Other stuff?" He rises his eyebrow. "Yeah... you probably are a great dancer and probably do... karate," I smile. He laughs "I don't do karate and I can't dance," he says.

"You have the same talents but you do it better," he says. I stare at him confused now. "Let me explain. When you play soccer you look so adorable, and when you sing it's like... oh my God, a pretty girl is singing. And you play the guitar beautifully," he says. I laugh "adorable?" I question. He nods "well you're not that bad looking," I say. He laughs "thank you," he says.

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