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 I sit there waiting to be released. The doctor finally comes in and allows us to leave after giving me a bunch of painkillers. "Hop...hop," Jamal says as we go to the car. "Shut up," I laugh. Amir hops along side me. I was forced to use crutches for at least two weeks. I roll my eyes but try not to laugh. Jamal joins in hopping like a bunny. "I love you guys," I laugh. "We know," Amir says as we get to the car. "Ice cream stop!" Jamal yells in the passenger seat.

"Yes!" I yell in the back. "And then home," Amir says. Jamal and me laugh cause we know that wasn't true. "After we get gas and buy some caramel apples," he adds. I knew it, Amir never made one stop, there was always multiple stops.

First we go to the gas station to get gas. Then we stop at Rocky's Cones the best ice cream place in town. We hit the road to get caramel apple. We get home and my parents were sitting and watching TV. "Zaria, habiba," my mom says as I walk into the livingroom. "Salaam ma... Salaam ba," I say to my parents as I take a seat beside my mom.

My phone beeps. How you doing, I didn't get to visit because I was busy Samir texts. Amir and Jamal laugh since they received the text too. "It wasn't even funny," I tell them. "What's funny?" My dad asks. "Samir asked how I was doing," I tell him. My dad breaks out laughing "he's already concerned about you," he smiles. "Ba, you are not helping at all," I tell him. He smiles. "Don't bother with them habiba," my mom says.

I'm fine thanks for asking I reply. Jamal and Amir break out laughing. My face heats up out of irritation. "What happened now?" My dad asks. My mouth falls open. Jamal passes his phone to my dad, who breaks out laughing. "There's nothing funny," I tell them getting up. "You gonna hop to your room?" Jamal asks. I glance at him, I pick up one of the couch pillows and throw it at them. "Oh you want to start," Jamal says standing up. He glances at Amir and I knew the look on their face. I tried to quickly hop away but wasn't fast enough. Amir picks me off the ground. I scream wanting him to put me down. Jamal carries my crutches hopping behind.

"Don't hurt her!" my mom calls as they take me upstairs. I'm dropped on my bed. I cross my arms staring them down. Both of them breakout laughing. Jamal sits at my desk. "What do you want?" I question. "We are going to discuss something important," Amir sits beside me. "We are?" Jamal says messing with my stuff. He spins around in the chair.

"It's Mom's birthday in one week," Amir says. I can't believe I almost forgot my own mother's birthday. I felt bad. "We should do something huge," Jamal says. "Surprise party," I suggest. "Yes... we are going to act like we forgot about her birthday," Amir laughs at his plan. "Dad can take her somewhere acting like he doesn't remember her birthday and then bring her home and we yell surprise with some of her friends," Jamal adds on to the plan. " We should make a list of who to invite," I say wanting to contribute to the plan. "Yeah great idea," Amir says.

School was slow that Monday. My mom's birthday was on Saturday and we had the invitation passed out and everything planned we were waiting for the day to come inshallah.

At the end of the day I walk around unsure what to do. I walk outside to the bleachers to watch my team practicing. It felt weird not being able to practice with them. I felt left out. This week was big for the team.Friday was the tournament. 

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