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I'm in my head, why am I bleeding and why do I feel faint from it? Finland asked himself. He still held the bleeding gash on his arm, which wasn't doing much help. Was he going to die locked up in the back of his mind, or was this his way out?

It's not like he knew, it's not like he has been possessed before.


Sweden sat silently in the cool grass as his friends came out if Russia's house. "Hey Sve! Time to go now!" Denmark called. Sweden looked down at Finland's face, it was so soft and so innocent. He couldn't imagine what Estonia must be feeling right now.

The tall Swede stood, shortly picking up his lover and joining his family in the walk home. Why they lived in Russia, they didn't know, but home was home to them.

Even then he still missed his old home back in his country.


Italy crept into the room Germany was in, wanting to sleep with the one he loved oh so much. Japan on the other hand took a different room, one where he could sleep alone and have peace in.

"Germany? Are-a you awake?" The Italian whispered, moving closer to Ludwigs sleeping figure. He seemed so peace full and sweet looking rather than when he was awake and yelling at everybody. Feliciano lifted the corner of the blanket and slid his small body under the covers and close to the German nation. He huddled close to the Germans back, taking as much heat as he could from Germany to warm his small body.

The German though asleep felt his lovers small frame against his back and turned over towards him, wrapping his his big strong arms around the small Italian. Italy cuddled even closer to him and drifted off to sleep quickly knowing that he was in the protection of Germany.


It was quite late, at least late enough to make even Denmark tired. His body weighed heavily on his legs which he drug along with him slowly. He was the last in the line of nations and the first being Sweden carrying his "wife" Finland. "We're here Denmark." The swede mumbled. As soon as the sweet words met the Danes ears he immediately perked up and ran towards the house that they all shared.

Estonia followed the group, thinking about everything that had went down at Russia's home, about the lies Ivan had fed Latvia and the fact that he was believing them. The one he loved was being taken away from him by the one he hated most in the world.

All six nations stepped inside their house, relieved that they made it back, mainly because all of them were ready to sleep and looked like zombies when they walked.

Sweden took his love into his own room, not wanting to out Finland to bed alone in a condition like this. He wasn't sure what was going on in his lovers body, but he was sure it wasn't good and planned to have Norway take a look soon. Whatever it was wasn't good and had to be removed from him as soon as possible.

Sweden sat on his bed, holding Finland's body in his arms protectively and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. "Oh Finny..." He whispered, looking at the seemingly peaceful face of the man he held close. "I love you too much."


Latvia laid uncomfortably on the Russians bed as said nation got ready to sleep. He faced the wall curled up in a fetal position just waiting for Ivan to come back into the room and do something.

He prayed that a few things wouldn't be done tonight.

After Russia had his teeth brushed and his pajamas on, shorts and a T-shirt, he slid on the bed next to Latvia, pulling the covers over his larger body. "Latvia, are you awake?" He whispered, reaching up and flicking the lights off, leaving the two in the darkness.

He didn't know what to say, should he let the other know that he was awake or not? Though it was a simple question it did stress Latvia out a lot. So much could happen either way.

"Y-yeah... I'm awake." Latvia whispered, waiting for something to tell him to feel regret or not.

Russia slid closer to him pulling his small frame against him, providing him with heat. "I can help you sleep if you want." He whispered, nuzzling Latvia's neck softly as he held him even closer. The poor Latvian froze, this was exactly what he didn't want to happen. The last thing he wanted to do with Ivan was make love with him. He could sense the small boys uncomfortableness and immediately slid his waist away slightly from the back of Latvia's. He wrapped his arms around him tightly and kissed his jawline softly leaving a light wet mark. "I'm so sorry..." Russia whispered.

Latvia's body began to relax when he couldn't feel Russia pressing against his butt anymore. His eyelids became heavy and started to shut, it had been a long day and he was in a lot of pain, Russia knew that. He also knew that he was the one to cause all of this pain and it hurt him. He hated himself for doing it, he hated the fact that he did it to the one he loved most in the world, and he hated the fact that even though he was laying with the love of his life he felt so alone.

Ivan wanted to see that soft smile Latvia held when he was with Estonia, he wanted to be the cause of that smile especially. That beautiful, pure, innocent smile. "I love you." Was the last thing that escaped the Russians kips before his eyes shut as well and the sweet feeling of sleep took over him.


Wow it's been quite a while since I updated this story :| dang....
Anyway, it's short and stupid, maybe I'll continue it...?

Also, check out my new fan fiction called "Fallen." Only 5 chapters out now and a 6th one in the making!


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