6 The Mad Man

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Fear and terror also strikes through the heart. But it hurts physically, emotionally, and mentally. But this has to true fear, true terror. Maybe this true fear can come from your captor coming back to tortur you, or maybe from a bad relationship you have with a family member, an abusive relationship with maybe a step father, a mother, both?

To fear somebody you are forced to serve, to watch all that you have and hold dear to you being forced under the rule of a mad man. A mad man with the power to harm you and your loved ones. The mad man strikes fear into the hearts of everyone.

The mad man is Mr. Russia.

"You will be sorry." The Russian's voice was dark with anger. Latvia backed away slowly, his heal hitting the bucket full of water that he had brought down, causing him to tip it over and fall into the puddle of cold water that formed on the concrete floor.

"Don't touch him!" Estonia's voice rang through the quiet room, his heart was pounding and his breathing was heavy. "Oh, Estonia." Russia said, with a devilish smirk. "What would you do if I did?" He grabbed a fist full of Estonia's hair and pulled his head back, making him look at the single bright, white light that was hanging just above him.

"S-stop." Latvia's voice almost had gone unheared over Estonia's gasp when his head was pulled back. "What?" The tall Russian looked at the small Latvia, evil in his eyes.

Latvia ran at him, holding his arms out in front of him. He was going to try to push the big man over. But there was no luck. Russia didn't budge and looked down at him. "Hmm..."

He grabbed Latvia by the hair and threw him down with a mighty force, using just one arm. "No!!! Latvia! Get up! Run!!!" Estonia screamed, looking down at his love. Latvia was dazed, the side of his head bleeding.

"Now... Where's my whip?" Russia looked around but found that his whip was nowhere to be seen. Like it had vanished or it had been... Hidden.

He gave Latvia a glare. "You moved it. Now tell me where it is!!!" He yelled, not caring that he woke both Poland and Lithuania up.


"Lithuania, get up." Poland whipered, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Please don't leave me." He whispered back, his head laying on Poland's stomach and his arms wrapped around his waist. Tears slip out of his tightly closed eyes. Why does he have to leave...

Hetalia: The BalticsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora