7 Confused Love

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The Loss of a loved one is horrible. It can cause emotional pain and agony. Especially when you have bonded with that loved one, hanging out, living together over the years. It can be any kind of a loved one, family, friend, or your soul mate.

To even see them in pain, or in agony. Maybe sitting in a hospital bed, possibly in a coma, or to be injured. Its even worse when you are forced to watch them suffer, to watch your love slowly die.

To sit by, next to them, watching them slip away from life, slip away from you. And you can do nothing about it, all you can do is just be there. To let them know that you love them, no matter what, forever and always, through thick and thin.

Why does life have to be so cruel. Why does it have to torture us with these things, to make us watch, our love our LIFE be taken away from us. Not letting us do anything about it.

Why does it do this to us?

The sun shone through the open window, landing on both Estonia's and Latvia's tired faces. "Ugh..." Estonia mumbled, turning over and curling up in the blankets. "Too early." He started shivering, the cold air falling on his face, not noticing the blood that soaked the sheets and blankets around Latvia, and all the bloody bandages.

"Wake up." Russia's sweet, soft voice came from the door way. "Its time for breakfast." You could tell he wasn't happy, but there were also no signs of him being angry either. Like he was in a middle mood, not caring about anything.

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