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Leaving the one you love behind for dead, is a horrible thing, and it can cause a horrible feeling to grow inside you. Even when you don't have a choice.

"Poland!!!" Lithuania cried, kicking and squirming trying to break free, but it was useless in France's tight grip. "Let me go!!!"

"Ve can't do zhat!" Prussia smirked. "You are ours now!" He walked over to the struggling Lithuanian, his signature smirk still plain on his face. "Let me just help him! You can't leave him here!!!" Lithuania pleaded. I have to help him, who knows what will happen if we leave him here. I couldn't live with myself if he was killed or kidnapped or...

"No, he'll be fine! Its not like France vill be out tonight or somezhing! Kesesesese~," France glared at him from the corner of his eye. "Zhose rumors are false! I vould never force love on somebody!"


Lithuania took this chance to escape. Moving his arm forward as much as he possibly could, which wasn't very far, and with one swift move he jammed his elbow into France's ribcage.

He didn't even notice.

"Ngh... L-liet." Poland mumbled, he was consious now and in pain the he didn't deserve.

Well Lithuania thought he didn't deserve it.

"P-poland." Lithuania stuttered. "Get out of h-here."

They're going to kill us!

Spain had a deadpanned expression as he watched his brother and the albino German argue. Well, Prussia was mostly laughing at the angered Frenchman. "Kesesesese! You are so easy to piss off!" Prussia laughed, of course, when did he ever take anything seriously? They're so stupid.

Finally France released his grip on Lithuania and threw his fist straight at Prussia. It was easily avoided with a swift dodge which made him angrier. "You get back 'ere!!!"

"Hah! No vay! You'll just--!" Prussia was cut off as France's fist collided with his cheek, sending him back a few steps. "Vhat the hell!!!"

Meanwhile Lithuania and Poland had escaped. Luckily they went unnoticed due to the commotion, mostly. Spain had seen them go, but he didn't want them to be hurt again.

Lithuania was running as fast as his legs could carry both him and Pol, which wasn't very fast, but they got away. They reached a small, abandoned building and hid inside. "P-poland." Lithuania panted, sweat dripping down the side of his face. He leaned against the wall and slid down into a sitting position next to an unconscious Poland. He looked at him, surprised to see that he was still clutching the pink rose.

"What are you two doing-a here?" A sweet Italian voice called from across the room. "I-i'm sorry!!! I didn't know somebody lived here!!!" Lithuania panicked, it was only Italy, but he knew Germany and Japan weren't too far behind.

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