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How could somebody do this to someone so young. Finland was sobbing in the corner of the black, cement room. 'I know what you're thinking,' a voice, no, the voice suddenly appeared in Tino's head once again. 'You think I'm just a winey little girl and that I should "get over it", but I can't. I have to get my revenge.'

I don't think that at all. You have every right to be angry, what he did to you was unfair. Finland looked around for the girl, and was unsuccessful in his findings. The room hadn't changed and what it held hadn't changed either. 'Liar, that's what they all say. Then they treat you like you're crazy.' The voice growled. 'They all stood up for him, saying "he wouldn't do that" or "you're just a bratty child". I had proof that he beat me! I showed them the scars, the bruises, the cuts, and scrapes! None of them believe me!!!'

He beat you? Finland was now on the right track of the story. 'Yeah. The setting didn't seem like it, especially where I had to stop at.' The voice grumbled and mumbled something unintelligent. I'm so sorry.

Can I... see you? Finland was so curious, even at the wrong times. But, hey, he couldn't help it. A loud screech sounded, bouncing off of the cold walls and hitting Tino's ear drums hard. 'Never!!! You'll hurt me just like him!!!' Finland was thrown to the side by an invisible, yet powerful force, and slammed into the corner. "Gah!!!" Finland let out a verbal yelp as blood gushed out from the new gash that had formed in his arm. "I wont hurt you! I promise!!!" Finland cried out as he put a hand to the bloody cut. Not that it would stop the blood, but it could slow it down quite a bit, if he pressed hard enough. "Your promises mean nothing to me!!!" The voice grew angrier and louder. The room was now filled with moving air, how? There is no explanation, other than magic.

But that's silly.


Sweden held the almost lifeless body of the one he loved closely, not letting the chilly night air touch a single part of his beautiful pale skin. "S' c't'" Sweden mumbled next to Finlands' ear, not that anyone could hear besides Sve, for Finland was busy with... what you could call a mental... argument? Fight? Something like that. Sweden was so calm, completely unaware that Tino wasn't all there.


Poland's head laid sleepily on Lithuania's shoulder while his eyes slowly began to shut, and the corner of his mouth starting to form a threatening drop of drool. Liet, on the other hand, was fully asleep. Sitting up, perfect posture, closed mouth, no drool, no sound... almost as if he was... dead.

Japan couldn't hold back the urge any longer, after at least an hour of fighting himself over taking a picture of the cute couple, he just couldn't resist. So finally...


One picture. Just one picture that he had to have had finally came to him. It gave him a sense of.... accomplishment? Success? Both? Yeah, both. But it was interrupted by the cute, and somewhat nosey Italian.

"Hey-a, Japan." Italy smiled down at his friend, who was sitting on the floor currently, and patted his head. "I want to-a see."

Japan sighed and selected the picture from his gallery to show the young-acting nation his beautiful photo. "See..."

Italy beamed, but kept it silent for the sleeping nations. "Its-a so cute." He whispered. "We should show them in the morning."

"I was pranning to frame it for them. As a gift." Japan admitted. "But I guess-"

"No, do your idea. I want to make the frame."

"Okay. Goodnight Itary-san." Japan rose to his feet, and was interrupted half way into his bow by a bone-crushing hug Italy gave him. "Goodnight Japan."

Japan stood there, gasping for the air that wouldn't come to him. Why me. But, he knew what he had to do to get the precious oxygen back.


He placed his hands on the young Italians chest, and gave him a slight shove. Once he was free, he sucked in air quickly, but silently out of respect to the sleeping nations. "....Personar space, prease." Kiku reminded the young country, before turning around and heading to his room. "Oh, yeah." Italy smiled. "Sorry Japan, I forgot." He apologized, and followed his short friend to their sleeping chambers.


"Now, will you please leave my home." Russia wasn't in a good mood anymore. "But I..." Estonia was quickly cut off by the soft spoken Norwegian, who was more than happy to leave. "Come on." He said, shooting both Estonia and Denmark a slight glare, before leading the way out.

The last to exit was Estonia, due to him looking at Latvia with expecting eyes. "Estonia, I'm staying." The small Latvia looked away from the man he use to love, only to shatter both of their hearts into a million pieces.

"Fine then." A whisper escaped Estonias mouth as he left the room. Please don't go. Latvia mentally pleaded. I need you.

"Latvia, you love me right?" Russia's seemingly sweet voice broke the silence that had grew around them. And the question was shocking, did he Love Ivan? Is that why he had stayed? "I-i.... Ah.... Its..." Latvia stuttered, trying to find the right words to use, but there were none because there wasn't anything Latvia could say without lying or hurting Russia's feelings. So keeping his mouth shut, was the best thing to do.
Russia's POV
I knew he didn't love me, but how could I blame him? After all I've done to them, how could I show him that I won't hurt him again? I can't. Why do o have to be so stupid, so.... Different?

"I see..." I whispered softly. "Get some rest.... Its getting dark."

"Y-yeah... Ok." Latvia curled up in between the bed sheets, facing his back to me as I shut the light off and leave him to rest in peace.

I scared him. I made him nervous. I've hurt him.

Damn it, why.

Sorry I haven't, like, updated in like 500 years or so. I didn't know what to do at such a low part of the story. But trust me. It'll get better.... Maybe.

Anyway, thank you for reading! I didn't think I would have more than 100 readers but now I do, and thank you for that ^-^

Have a happy life.

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