9 Love

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What is love? Is it even real? Or is it some concept that our minds have made up? Maybe love is just something you randomly feel so you won't die alone. It could be just something to preoccupie you, keep you busy. Do you really believe that there is only one person out of the billions of people on the earth that is right just for you? That can't be right. True love can't exsist, can it?

"That was good Poland, thank you." Lithuania said, making his way over to the sink. "I haven't eaten anything that good in a while." He smiled, washing the Canadian syrup that Poland had gotten from Canada. "Thanks." Poland said, he was still a little disappointed about earlier, but he'd get over it eventually.

"Poland... I love you..." Lithuania came up behind him and whispered in his ear. "Ah- I like, love you too liet." Poland blushed, turning around and pecking Lithuania on the cheek. "You're so cute." Lithuania blushed.

"Can we go on a walk, or something?" Lithuania asked. "Why would you, like, want to do that? You'll get all like, sweaty and gross." Poland said, walking into his living room and plopping down on the couch. "Please Poland." Lithuania begged, walking over to him and getting on his knees. "I want to go outside!" He laced his hands together as if he were praying and begged Poland.

Lithuania did want to go outside, but not just that, he wanted to spend time with his love and do things that couples do. Hold hands, kiss, maybe sit on a bench and feed pigeons, and be free together for once. He loved Poland.

"Fineeeee." Poland shurgged and got up. "Get up before I change my mind." Lithuania jumped up quickly and wrapped his arms around Poland's neck. "Thank you!!!"


"See, isn't this nice?" Lithuania said, smiling. "If you say so..." Poland replied. They were walking through a park, surprisingly there were no kids. There was nobody.

Poland slipped his hand into Lithuania's and laced their fingers together, continuing their walk in the gravel trail that went around the park. "Ah, look Poland!" Lithuania pointed to a bush that held dozens of beaufiul pink roses. "They're so cute." Lithuania said, reaching into the bush and picking one. "They remind me of you." Lithuania handed it to Poland, both his words and actions making the blonde man blush. "Thank you liet." He said, examining the perfect rose as he twirled it in between his fingers, trying to avoid thorns.

"Poland, let me push you on the swings." Lithuania smiled, pulling the one he held dearest to the swingset that was surrounded by sand. "Ok, liet." He said, sitting on the swing while Lithuania got behind him. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Poland replied, holding onto the chains. Lithuania gave him a push and sent him into the air giving him butterflies as he came down. "Liet not too high!!!" Poland screamed and giggled at the same time, his grip on the chains getting tighter and tighter with each push.

"Careful! Don't push to hard! He'll fall off and get hurt! Kesesese~." A German voice came from the top of the playground causing both of them to stop and look. The one who interrupted their fun was noneother that Prussia. "Ah... H-hello!" Lithuania said. So this is why no one is here.

"Bonjour!" France called from next to Prussia. "Hey!" Spain called. "I'm here too!" His voice was so happy and cheerful just like his smile.

"What are you three doing here?" Poland asked, irritated that he had to stop. "Ve vanted to have fun! But no vone is here!" Prussia's voice cracked (when didn't it?). The pale German jumped down, followed by France and Spain, the sand was hard to land in but surprisingly france and Prussia landed with no problem. Spain was the only one who ended up on his butt. "Haha! Spain fell!" Prussia actually laughed normal for once.

"Hehe, Si, I did." Spain laughed a little, his smile never left his face. Somehow he always managed to be happy.

He stood up and brushed the sand off of his butt. "Kesesesese~" (there it was). Prussia laughed a little. "You two are so cute togezer!" France exclaimed, somehow he had gotten behind Poland and Lithuania without them noticing, making Lithuania jump, but Poland stayed still. "Yeah, we are! Now leave!" Poland yelled, he was getting mad.

"How about no!" Prussia said, making his way over and kneeing Lithuania in the stomach. "Gah!!!!" He fell back into France's arms as the German planted his fist into the side of his face. "Prussia, leave zhis vone alone. 'E's lived vith Russia, so give 'im a break." France said, trapping Lithuania in his arms.

"Vhatever." Prussia glared, pushing Poland out of the swing and getting on top of him. "Don't touch him!!!" Lithuania squirmed. Prussia pulled back his arm and let his fist fly, planting it in Poland's stomach. "Gah!!!! No!!!!" Poland coughed up blood mix with saliva and hugged his stomach. "Get away from me!"

"No!" Prussia lunched him again, this time in the face. He continued to beat him, punching nearly everywhere on his body from his waist up. "Please!!! Somebody help!!!!" Lithuania sobbed.


Russia grabbed Estonia by the collar and dragged him out. "Latvia doesn't care about you anymore." He said, dragging him to the from door. "H-he'll see past your lie." Estonia stuttered, tears streaming down his face. "There is no lie." Russia smiled, opening the door and throwing Estonia out. "Just love." With that russia slammed the door and walked back to the Baltic's old room where Latvia sat. "I-is he gone?" Latvia asked through sobs. "Yes, I'm so sorry Latvia." Russia sat on the bed and pulled him close. "I-i thought he l-loved me."

"He doesn't Latvia. But... I do." Russia looked away shyly and blushed. "I'm sorry if I've ever hurt you... I was just.... So... Confused. About my feelings." Latvia looked up at the tall man. "R-really?" "Really."

Russia turned back to him and smashed his lips against Latvia's, resting his hands on Latvia's waist while he snuck his tongue in to explore.

Estonia watched from the window, feeling betrayed and jealous. Latvia was suppose to be his, they were suppose to escape together and spend all of eternity together. It should have been Estonia's lips pressed against Latvia's, not Russia's. And of all people, why Russia.

After a few seconds of Russia's make out session Latvia got nervous. What is this going to lead to? Will he stop? Will he go... Farther? Latvia put his hands to Russia's chest and tried to push him away, but Russia had a different idea. He grabbed the small boys waist and pulled it closer to his, forcing him to wrap his legs around his waist like he was going to carry him.

Russia's kiss got rougher and he started to pull Latvia's shirt off while his only love watched it all from behind glass. "Don't touch him!!!" Estonia shreaked, he knew what Russia's intentions were and he didn't like them.


Sorry I haven't updated much and it too me forever to write this considering it got deleted when I was up to 899 words. It SUCKED!!!

But I hope you enjoyed it, there will be a knew book maybe soon and I'll try to make it better and longer! Maybe 50-100 chapters? I'll try.

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