Chapter 9: Enemies in Your Arms

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"How do I do any of that?" Lucy snapped, irritated. "Where is this coming from?"

"Ever since you returned, you've done nothing but tear my heart out and stomp on it!"

"I returned only yesterday, James, and I've certainly had neither the time nor the temperance to do such a thing!"

"You managed to make your damage in a day," he snarled.

"By telling you that I wasn't willing to marry?" Lucy shook her head. "You say you know me so that should hardly shock you!"

"Beyond that, did you think I particularly enjoyed seeing you in the willing arms of Captain Beauchamp?" James growled. "Do you think I found it amusing, the way he clearly showed his affections for you?The way you flaunted yours?"

"I flaunted nothing!" Lucy protested, finally losing her own temper at the man's insolence. "And I certainly won't apologize for doing what every woman without a partner generally does at a ball, James. I won't apologize for dancing with someone! I do not ask you to do such for dancing with Elizabeth. Why do the rules and laws of propriety have to be used against me when I did not break any in the first place?"

Silence fell between them and Lucy was ready to turn and leave, despite wanting to see his parents. She couldn't face them now. She didn't know what more there was to say.

It's all falling apart.

Finally, after too many beats of agonizing silence, James spoke.

"Words cannot describe how much I yearned for you all these years, Lucy."


"No, let me finish," he held up a hand. "Without you here, my life was empty. Nothing felt or seemed right. There were women for me, many. Good women, from respectable families, all possible wives. Smart matches, the lot of them, but none of them made sense to me. Only you did. You, and no one else," he took in a deep breath and let it out, as though trying to still whatever deep emotion he was feeling. "You returned only yesterday, and yet I feel as though you have been here for a lifetime. You belong in Lanfore, Lucy, with me. This," he gestured between the two of them, "what I feel when I see you back here, in my home, it only serves to prove that. Do not leave Lanfore again, Lucy. Stay here, with me, where you belong!"

"James," she tried again, "please, James, I—"

"I've known you all my life!" He shouted, causing her to jumped. "Since we were children, Lucy! We grew up together, we played together, and we loved! Don't take the love that we had and still have away from me and call it mere friendship. You know as well as I that there is too much history for us to be just friends. There is too much love. Let's share in that love," he reached forward suddenly and took her hands in his. "You and I, we can be magic together."

Lucy was trembling from head to foot and she felt her insides erupting in a storm, but not a good one. She wanted to vomit, more than anything. She wanted to run. She didn't want to be here anymore, she felt as though her life was falling apart.

Was this his proposal? Surely not!

"I..." She croaked and her voice failed her, but she tried again. "James, I..."

"Why do you hesitate?" He snapped, voice still loud with anger. "I am offering you a happy life with me! I am rich, of means, and I can make you happy, I know I can! Please, Lucy, do not deny me."

Lucy tried to wrest her hands from his to no avail. "James, you're hurting me."

"Please, Lucy," he shook her rather violently, squeezing her hands so tightly that she could feel her fingers going cold. "Don't take this away from me!"

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