Revolutionary War on Christmas

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Virginia sat down in front of a fire keeping himself warm from the cold weather. It was Christmas Eve and he just wanted to stay home, even though they are in a middle of a war. He was also alert for any signs of danger. All of the thirteen colonies are at their house staying warm.

There was a pecking noise on the window, Virginia didn't know what it was but went to see it. He got up and looked at the window, there was a small white bird holding a piece of paper in its mouth. Virginia opened the window and picked up the bird. The bird dropped the letter in his hand and hopped on the table.

Virginia unrolled the letter, it read:
"SOS -New Jersey"

Virginia set down the letter, "I wonder what's up" Virginia mumbled. The bird chirped and flew towards Virginia's gun. It seemed like that the bird was telling him something, but he didn't know what. Then the bird flew towards Virginia's uniform then started pulling on the uniform until it fell of the hanger.

"Why did you do that?" Said Virginia as he went to pick up his uniform. Then he started staring at it and was also thinking about what the bird meant. "New Jersey needs us in a battle" said Virginia, looking at the bird.

The bird happily chirp and flew around him. "Tell the rest to get ready and meet me at the Delaware river" said Virginia. The bird chirped and flew out the window which made the lantern that was on the table blow out.

Virginia sighed as he changed to his uniform in the dark. At least, the fireplace was still lit so Virginia could know what he was doing. He didn't like that fact that they all have to fight on Christmas Eve, it was too cold and his plan was a little to risky.

🇺🇸One Hour Later🇺🇸

All if the thirteen colonies except New Jersey were sitting right in front of the Delaware river. "What is going in right now and where's my sister?" Delaware asked Virginia. "NJ sent me a message that we all need to get ready to battle at her place." He responded.

"How are we going to get there?" Maryland asked from behind them. "We go across the river" said Virginia.
"No" said New York.
"It's for my sister we have to" said Delaware
"I don't want to do it" said New York.
"That's because you keep losing every battle with the British" Pennsylvania pointed out.
"Not true!" New York yelled.
"Sure, your a winner" said Delaware, sarcastically.
"Fine! I'll help" said New York.
"Great, let's shut up and get going" said Virginia.

The thirteen colonies were walking through a knee deep river in the middle of the night. "I'm cold" said Maryland shivered. "No one cares" said Virginia. Maryland gave Virginia a mean look, then stuck her tongue out. "I like doing a sneak attack, we scare away the British" said Massachusetts.

All of the colonies hated the British way of wars, since there were a thousands of enemy soldiers and its only thirteen of them. Sneak and run was the best strategy for them.

Each of the states were holding there guns over their heads as they got to a deeper part of the river. All of their uniforms were soaked, and they couldn't get their guns wet or they'll stop working. "Why is this river so long" Maryland complained. "Shut up" said Virginia. Maryland rolled her eyes at him and continued walking.

🇺🇸Another Hour Later🇺🇸

"Yay, land" said Maryland as she ran around on the grass. Everyone was finally out of the river and were happy. "Everyone look for Jersey" said Virginia.

"Here I am" said New Jersey as she came from out of the forest on her horse. "You okay?" Delaware asked her. New Jersey nod as she jumped out of her horse. "The British are just one mile from here, I've already have a plan" said New Jersey.

"Tell us" said Virginia. They all gathered together to listen to New Jersey's plan. It was pretty complex at first but Virginia had a way to make it easier for them.

Virginia and Maryland were at one side of the forest the others were paired together in other parts of the forest. "I don't like you" Virginia whispered to Maryland. "Well, shut up or they'll hear us" whispered Maryland.

They both poked their heads out of the forest and saw the British troops on guard. "We wait for New York and Pennsylvania, they should be north from us" Virginia whispered. "I know, I was there" said Maryland.

Sadly, the British troops heard them and started heading in their direction. "Uh, shoot" said Virginia. They both shot at the British, and the other states joined in to take them down.

The general called for all the troops to retreat. This means victory for us! As I walked out of the trees I noticed how many British troops were laying on the ground dead. Over a hundred were dead.

This was a epic win for us, and also a new record. I feel that we would beat them if we keep doing what we were doing.

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